topcryptogames2021| The raw materials are still used 40 days after expiration. Mo Yogurt apologizes: the store involved permanently terminates the contract


On May 27th, the official blog of Moyoghurt MOREYOGURT issued an apology.

It was previously reported

topcryptogames2021| The raw materials are still used 40 days after expiration. Mo Yogurt apologizes: the store involved permanently terminates the contract

Raw material wasteTopcryptogames2021The standard depends on the manager's sense of smell; highland barley, oats, milk base, durian puree, rice pudding, coconut puree and coconut meat are all out of date, some raw materials are still used after the shelf life of more than 40 days, and some fruits smell rotten before they are abandoned.

From February to early May this year, a reporter from the Beijing News randomly applied for employment at a number of yoghurt franchise stores in Beijing and found that there were many problems in these stores: changing expiration labels, not scrapping raw materials on time, or not using expiration labels at all; fruits that should be refrigerated at room temperature, which should be refrigerated at room temperature, continue to be used after discoloration and water; cut corners and do not strictly release ingredients according to the quantity of ingredients. Employees do not need staff to provide health certificates for catering personnel required by the state.

A company specializing in adding fresh fruit on-site production, known as "sophisticated materials" yogurt drinks, but with out-of-date ingredients, rotten fruit and Jerry-built means to deceive consumers. This kind of behavior that harms the rights and interests of consumers has aroused concern. Moreover, from the report, the operation of the shop involved has obviously been "normalized", which makes people wonder whether such "exquisite materials" are "sophisticated".Topcryptogames2021Where?

Not to mention that this practice violates basic commercial principles and harms the rights and health of consumers, which is also suspected of violating relevant laws and regulations. China's Food Safety Law stipulates that the production of food and food additives with food raw materials and food additives exceeding the shelf life, or the operation of the above-mentioned food and food additives shall be punished by the food safety supervision and administration department at or above the county level, and if the circumstances are serious, the license shall be revoked.

There is no doubt that the shops involved are doing this in order to save costs. However, although this short-sighted behavior may save costs in the short term, it will undoubtedly damage the brand image of the companies involved in the long run.

As we all know, in similar drinks, the price of yogurt is not cheap. The merchants involved recite books for themselves at high prices while using out-of-date ingredients and rotten fruits. Obviously, we should not just stop at the moral level of criticism, the law should play a positive role in a timely manner, and the regulatory authorities should also take effective actions to severely punish the illegal and illegal acts of the shops involved and safeguard the basic rights and interests of consumers.

According to the report, there are also corresponding regulations and restriction means within the enterprises involved, but these means are in vain in reality, and they will be bypassed at the slightest move of the store. For example, in order to avoid the internal inspection system, the shops involved have adopted means such as "changing the validity period label in different periods" and "not sticking the validity period label". It is obvious that this should be taken seriously.

Now, the relevant bad practices have been exposed, what the enterprises involved should do is to face the problem squarely and actively rectify the problem. With regard to the internal management loopholes exposed by the media, the enterprises involved should reflect in time, draw inferences, and make "patches" at the level of internal quality control system and daily inspection, so as to further increase the illegal cost of franchisees.

No matter what kind of food, consumers "drink diarrhea" is no small matter. Both businesses and regulatory departments should establish the awareness of "no small matter in the rights and interests of consumers" and live up to the trust of consumers. Only in this way can we continue to create a safe and hygienic consumption environment.