livelightningbaccarat| U.S. Department of Agriculture: Global sugar production estimates that China will produce 10.4 million tons of sugar in the 2024/25 crop season


livelightningbaccarat| U.S. Department of Agriculture: Global sugar production estimates that China will produce 10.4 million tons of sugar in the 2024/25 crop season

YNTWlivelightningbaccarat.COM According to a report released this week by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), global sugar production is expected to increase to a record 186 million tons in the 2024/25 (October to September) crop season, while demand will also reach a record high of 178.8 million tons.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture said in a report that the global sugar market is still oversupply and demand. Brazil's 2024/25 production will drop to 44 million tons from 45.5 million tons in the previous year. However, Thailand's sugar production is expected to increase by 16%, with India and China's sugar production will also increase slightly, offset by a slight increaselivelightningbaccaratThe impact of Brazil's decline of 1.5 million tons in 2024/25 was affected. In 2024/25 (October to September of the following year), global sugar production will reach a record of 186 million tons, while demand will also reach a record high of 178.8 million tons. The global sugar market may still be in a state of oversupply, mainly due to The slow recovery of the global economy has weakened consumption growth.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture expects Brazil's total production to fall to 44 million tons from 45.5 million tons in the previous season, while Thailand's production is expected to increase by 1.4 million tons to 10.24 million tons as Asia returns to more normal rainfall patterns. The impact of El Niño weather on the sugar industry has also basically ended.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts that China's sugar production in the 2024/25 crushing season will increase by 500,000 tons from the previous crushing season to 10.4 million tons. Editor's note of Sugar Network: According to estimates released by the Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of my country in mid-May, my country's sugar output will reach 11 million tons in the 2024/25 crop season.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture expects that sugar production in Mexico, the main sugar importer in the United States, will also resume growth, recovering from the extremely low 4.9 million tons in the 2023/24 crop season. Mexico's sugar production is expected to reach 5.5 million tons in the 2024/25 crop season.

Editorial and editing of Sugar Network