internetbaccarat| Barbeque shops spray paint kebabs? Official announcement! Improper method of distinguishing kebabs


recentlyinternetbaccarat, some netizens reported that staff were suspected to be found painting kebabs bamboo sticks at a barbecue restaurant in Guiyang. After investigation, the rotisserie sprayed white "self-spray paint" on the ends of bamboo sticks in order to distinguish between normal sales and gift kebabs. This move is suspected of violating the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementing regulations.

The Yunyan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau responded quickly and issued an information notice on May 22. At present, the bureau has opened an investigation into the barbecue shop involved, and seized the food involved and the "self-painting" products on the spot during the verification process. Fortunately, the relevant kebabs have not yet been roasted or entered the market.

In order to ensure food safety, the merchants involved have taken measures to suspend business and rectify their own businesses to cooperate with further investigations and rectifications. This incident once again highlighted the importance of food safety and reminded catering practitioners to strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations to effectively protect consumers 'health rights and interests.

The timely intervention and decisive actions of the market supervision department have effectively prevented the occurrence of potential food safety problems and reflected the responsibility and responsibility of the supervision department. At the same time, consumers are also called on to actively exercise their supervision rights and jointly maintain a good environment for food safety.

The development and handling of this incident is not only a warning to the merchants involved, but also a wake-up call for other catering companies. Food safety is no small matter, and any behavior that neglects food safety will be severely punished by law. It is hoped that through this incident, all sectors of society can attach great importance to food safety and jointly protect "safety on the tip of the tongue."

internetbaccarat| Barbeque shops spray paint kebabs? Official announcement! Improper method of distinguishing kebabs