crashteamracingoriginal| One platform allows all stops and pays in the city! Chenzhou City's "Parking Sharing One Internet Access" achieves full coverage


Chenzhou is known as the "south gate" of Hunan.CrashteamracingoriginalWith good mountains and rivers and rich tourism resources, it is an important tourist destination for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. In recent years, Chenzhou has continued to increase investment in urban infrastructure construction, speed up the upgrading and transformation of the central urban area, and concentrate its efforts on doing a good job that can be felt by the masses. In this context, in order to further alleviate the parking contradiction in the central urban area of Chenzhou, effectively improve the traffic environment, and promote the comprehensive and coordinated development of the city, Chongqing Pangu Meitian Internet of things Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Meitian Technology"), with the support and cooperation of relevant departments, uses digital technology to empower urban development and create a new comprehensive traffic model that integrates intelligent transportation, data services and convenient travel. Gradually merging the city-wide parking data into a network, "city-wide parking access and payment" has moved from concept to reality. A variety of application scenarios of "smart parking" have emerged one by one, and a road, vehicles, and people work together. the road of wisdom has been opened for the blending of cars, clouds and parking spaces.

Since 2023, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, the relevant departments have actively implemented the "Chenzhou City Intelligent parking system (parking sharing Netcom) Construction implementation Plan" issued by the Chenzhou Urban Infrastructure quality improvement Project Coordination Command. We will comprehensively speed up the implementation of the "parking sharing Netcom" practical project on people's livelihood, and further improve the level of urban fine management and the ability of public service. Solve the problem of parking difficulty and parking disorder, and build a new pattern of urban intelligent parking. Up to now, Meitian Science and Technology has completed the intelligent construction and transformation of 5554 road temporary parking spaces in the central urban area of Chenzhou City and the parking of more than 5554 social parking lots and more than 80 government enterprises and institutions.Crashteamracingoriginal? With the access work of the field, more than 320000 car owners and users have experienced the wisdom and convenience of "city-wide stop and pay".

From the beginning of construction to operation, Chenzhou "parking sharing Netcom" has won Chenzhou government units and cities at all levels.Crashteamracingoriginal? The good evaluation and positive social feedback make Chenzhou become the benchmark city of static traffic management in Hunan Province. At the same time, relying on the complete data supply, Metian Technology to build the "Fucheng parking member" parking and travel platform for the city? Provide intelligent search? Bit,? Bit sharing, numbers? Life, discount, refueling, etc.? Application, let the city? Feel warm and efficient service, enjoy fast, good and cheap products, and achieve intelligent parking, visual management and efficient operation, making travel more smooth, parking more convenient, car life more convenient, and constantly enhance the happiness and achievement of Chenzhou citizens.

Rapid matching of supply and demand to solve the difficulty of tapping the potential of parking resources

With the development of the times, people pay more and more attention to the sense of patency and comfort in the process of travel. In the face of the current situation that the number of motor vehicles continues to rise and the urban road space and parking space are limited, how to solve the "urban diseases" such as parking difficulties and traffic congestion tests the governance level and management ability of a city.

By building a city-level intelligent parking management platform, relying on the advantage of 'Internet + parking' big data, Chenzhou will technically transform the front-end parking spaces in the road, access the parking data of the whole city, break the isolated island of information, open up the data connection, and invigorate the existing stock. gradually bring the city's parking resources into the "Netcom". Realize the interconnection of people, vehicles and parking spaces and the "one network panorama, one network management, one network sharing" of parking resources in the city, quickly match supply and demand, standardize parking management process and parking order, and solve urban parking problems through the whole chain. and can effectively alleviate the traffic congestion caused by parking difficulties, achieve efficient management and services of urban parking resources, and provide citizens with efficient and convenient intelligent parking services.

During the May Day holiday, Mr. Wu, who lives in Beihu District of Chenzhou City, drove to Wuling Square before going out.CrashteamracingoriginalHe was worried that the parking space would be difficult to find, so he used Mini Program to find the parking space on the official account. In this way, he not only knows the situation of the temporary parking spaces and parking spaces on the roads around the destination, but also can navigate to the parking spaces directly through Mini Program, which is very intelligent and convenient.

In the past, he used to go out to find berths, wait in line, and so on, but now he is guided by intelligence and travel comfortably. With the increase of parking resources connected to Netcom, not only the base number of parking lots and parking spaces in the central urban area of Chenzhou City has been roughly found out, but also the dynamic networking of parking spaces has been realized, and the use of parking resources in the city has also become clear at a glance. The role of the new application scenario appears quickly.

On the one hand, for parking hot spots, citizens can know in advance the availability of surrounding parking spaces through "Fucheng parking members" and arrange their parking places reasonably to avoid traffic congestion and time consumption caused by "parking difficulties". Improve parking efficiency On the other hand, for areas with low utilization rate of parking resources, citizens can know parking information more transparently through "Fucheng parking members" and help parking spaces with low utilization rate to improve their utilization rate. effectively solve the problem of isolated island of parking information and fragmentation of parking resource management, and realize parking information sharing and dynamic management. At the same time, for temporary parking spaces and parking lots on roads that have been included in "Netcom", citizens can inquire and pay parking fees through the official account of "Fucheng parking member". You can extricate yourself from the trouble of "entering a parking lot and binding an official account", and you can enjoy a discount for each parking after becoming a member, making the parking experience of citizens more favorable, efficient and convenient.

crashteamracingoriginal| One platform allows all stops and pays in the city! Chenzhou City's "Parking Sharing One Internet Access" achieves full coverage

As a result, Chenzhou has gradually realized the "cloud collection" of parking data, the "cloud dispatch" of supply and demand of parking spaces, the "cloud pay" of parking charges and the "cloud management" of government supervision, and really achieved through the construction of "parking sharing Netcom". Realize the dynamic monitoring of parking resources and parking resources, carry out unified control and scheduling in an intelligent way, and improve the use efficiency and parking efficiency of parking spaces in the whole city. And optimize the allocation of parking resources, so that the value of parking resources in the city has been the maximum excavation and release potential.

Digital empowerment to improve the level of urban governance

Traffic is not only the main artery of a city, but also an important part of the construction of a new intelligent city. Enabling static traffic management with "intelligence" is not only a new way of urban modern governance, but also an effective way to change from "empirical decision-making" to "digital decision-making". The construction of "parking sharing Netcom" is an important means to realize the systematic and fine management of static traffic in Chenzhou, and is of great significance to enrich the content of convenient services, dredge urban traffic and enhance the image of a civilized city.

In the past, due to the scattered and closed static traffic data in Chenzhou, the relevant functional departments encountered some difficulties in the fine management of static traffic, which may bring traffic safety risks and increase urban management costs. affect economic development. Now, with the construction of "parking sharing Netcom" in Chenzhou, big data of static traffic in Chenzhou has been uniformly managed, monitored and analyzed, and the supply of "urban brain" to Chenzhou has been realized. The application of static traffic big data in the field of urban management is also advancing rapidly. At the same time, according to the precise guidelines made by big data, public security, traffic police, urban construction planning and other departments have realized the orderly management of urban static traffic, helping relevant functional departments to comprehensively implement policies in many areas, such as peak early warning, traffic management, security and control, illegal parking law enforcement, and parking space sharing, so as to assist the government to realize intelligent traffic decision-making and improve the level of urban governance by addressing both the symptoms and the root causes.

Based on the multi-dimensional collection, analysis and application of static traffic big data in Chenzhou, the intelligent parking management platform has expanded its scope and improved its quality. it further gives full play to the demonstration, breakthrough and driving role of the construction and application of "parking sharing Netcom" in Chenzhou, and helps the urban static traffic control. Among them, on the basis of "parking sharing Netcom", Meitian Science and Technology has built a "Chenzhou travel security distribution and control platform" for Chenzhou Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate, and court units to solve the problem of "the last kilometer" of security data. to distribute and control the real-time parking data of suspected cars, illegal cars, license plate cars, old cars, and other city-wide parking data; for the Chenzhou Traffic Police Department? A "static traffic supervision service platform" has been built to realize real-time supervision of static parking resources such as registered public parking lots, special parking lots and road temporary parking sections, as well as examination and approval / record management of parking garages, public / special parking lots and road temporary parking spaces, and assist road parking? It has provided the Chenzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce with a "solution for the construction of the wisdom business circle" and put it into construction, striving to build a "Hunan demonstration wisdom business circle and demonstration wisdom store", and invigorating the real economy. To achieve a new physical marketing model of "people, goods, circles, markets, stores"; for the stop of Chenzhou organs, enterprises and institutions? The park provides a shared parking service, which helps it to share internal free (night) parking spaces with the general public at the wrong time, increase the supply of parking spaces at the wrong time, and solve the problem of lack of parking spaces, so that citizens who were previously troubled by "parking difficulties" have more parking choices. also let parking resources play a greater value.

In addition, when the data of "parking sharing Netcom" serving the public has accumulated to a certain extent, as long as the management department makes a little analysis through the platform, it will be able to find out which place is the hottest and how long each car should be parked on average. when to send people to guide the most effective, which places need to add parking or temporary parking spaces and so on. According to the precise guidelines made by big data, the relevant management departments can carry out comprehensive policies in many fields more efficiently and accurately, and ensure that there is evidence to follow.

From informationization to intelligence and then to intelligence, the subsequent "parking sharing Netcom" in Chenzhou will provide demand support for more relevant departments with the continuous expansion of the city's static big data application and data area. to provide more dimensional decision-making reference and basis for urban quality improvement and accurate policy-making, so that citizens can see and touch the changes on their doorstep.

Integration of multi-industry resources, covering all aspects of "people, cars and life"

"parking sharing Netcom" makes car life more "intelligent", but also reflected in more aspects. Through the widening of the application of "parking sharing Netcom" in Chenzhou, it has also brought a new experience of "digital car life" convenient service to Chenzhou citizens.

At noon last Saturday, Mr. Luo, who had just returned to Chenzhou from another city, happened to need to refuel his car, so he opened the official account of "Fucheng parking member" to enter Mini Program and found a gas station near his home where he could get a discount on refueling on the members page. Mr. Luo found that after becoming a member, refueling at this gas station is 70 cents cheaper per liter than other channels, which makes him feel very convenient and affordable.

Chenzhou vigorously promotes the empowerment of scientific and technological wisdom, which is led by "benefiting the people and benefiting the people", and on the basis of deepening the construction of "parking sharing Netcom" in Chenzhou, integrating parking, travel and life-related resources. And through the "Fucheng parking member" parking and travel platform to provide the general public with "parking discount", "refueling discount", "car washing discount", "catering discount" and other high-quality services for the convenience, benefit and benefit of the people, continue to make efforts to serve the people and improve efficiency, so that citizens can enjoy all kinds of concessions only through one platform.

In the next step, Chenzhou hopes to continue to expand and improve quality around "parking sharing Netcom", constantly improve the intelligent level of serving the people, and will always implement the development idea of "people-centered". Firmly establish the concept of "managing the city for the people", further deepen the block management of static traffic, and constantly meet the parking and travel-related needs of citizens. Contribute to the improvement of urban quality and the construction of the "Mathematical Intelligence Chenzhou" of socialist modernization in the new era.

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