thereservepokerclub| Selling below the cost line means losing money? When will the photovoltaic industry pick up? Industry leaders say so


May 20thThereservepokerclubTongwei shares held the 2023 annual shareholders' meeting, when the photovoltaic industry will pick up has become the most concerned issue for investors at the meeting. Liu Hanyuan, chairman of Tongwei Group, said: "regardless of whether the excess capacity will be cleared or not, the photovoltaic industry is optimistically expected to improve in the fourth quarter of this year. The repurchase of the company and the increase of the holding of the controlling shareholders are still going on. "

At present, the price of polysilicon has fallen below the cost line, and silicon production enterprises are facing the situation of losing money when they are sold. In this context, Tongwei shares and Longji Green can sign a large silicon material order of nearly 40 billion yuan.

Cross-border entrants bear the brunt

Under the background of the rapid decline in product prices in all aspects of the photovoltaic industry chain this year, there have been cases in which some enterprises have terminated project investment or postponed project construction, of which cross-border investors bear the brunt.

Due to the influence of many factors, such as the technical iteration and the recent fluctuation and downward trend of the price of the photovoltaic industry chain as a whole, Jinzhai Jiayue, a subsidiary of ST Lunda (Lunda), has made the existing 3.ThereservepokerclubThe production line of .5GW-182mm large-size PERC high-efficiency solar cells has been temporarily suspended since March 14, 2024, and has been extended again and again due to the company's financial constraints and other factors.

Sanda shares also decided to terminate the construction of Tongling high-efficiency photovoltaic battery industry base project. Landa shares held a board of directors on March 18 and decided to terminate the investment in the construction of Tongling annual 20GW high-efficiency photovoltaic battery industry base project. As for the reasons for termination, the company said that in view of the fact that the construction of the project is affected by many factors, such as the macro environment, changes in the market environment of the photovoltaic industry, the financing environment, the conditions for the implementation of the project, and the cooperation progress of the relevant parties in the project, the project cannot advance the construction schedule as planned.

Previously, Landa shares were mainly engaged in waste heat power generation, photovoltaic power generation, commercial factoring and naked eye 3D business. In October 2020, the company entered the solar crystal silicon cell business by completing the acquisition of a 70% stake in Jinzhai Jiayue.

thereservepokerclub| Selling below the cost line means losing money? When will the photovoltaic industry pick up? Industry leaders say so

Haiyuan compound Materials decided to terminate its photovoltaic cell and module project in March this year. According to the relevant agreement signed with the people's Government of Quanjiao County, Haiyuan compound Materials, with Chuzhou Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, invested in the new photovoltaic industrial base in Quanjiao County, Chuzhou, to build 15GWN high-efficiency photovoltaic cells and 3GW high-efficiency photovoltaic module projects. Haiyuan compound material was originally a research and development, production and sales of composite lightweight products and new intelligent machinery and equipment enterprises, began to layout and expand to the field of photovoltaic modules in the third quarter of 2020.

Ernengju is a clean energy service provider that focuses on the investment and operation of distributed photovoltaic power stations and carries out photovoltaic product manufacturing and other businesses. In early February this year, under the influence of technology iteration and market demand, in order to reduce losses and overall operating performance, the company temporarily suspended production of the polysilicon battery production line, which was originally planned to stop production until March 31, 2024. However, due to the lack of satisfactory results in obtaining orders, the company decided to continue to suspend production on the polysilicon battery production line.

The bibcock huddled together to keep warm.

When will the photovoltaic industry usher in spring? Liu Hanyuan said that optimism is expected in the fourth quarter of this year.

The data released by the Silicon Branch of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association on May 15 show that at present, the price of polysilicon has exceeded the cash cost of all enterprises in production. Under the pressure of high inventory, some small and old production capacity have been stopped and overhauled. The vast majority of enterprises have a strong willingness to push up prices, and they choose to hold down the goods at low prices.

The comprehensive advantages of technology, cost and quality of Tongwei shares are highlighted when the industry is at a low ebb. On May 11, Tongwei shares announced that six of the company's subsidiaries recently signed sales contracts for high purity silicon products with Longji Green Energy and its nine subsidiaries, agreeing that the buyer would purchase not less than 86% of the products during the period from 2024 to 2026.Thereservepokerclub. 240000 tons of high purity silicon products, the total amount of this contract is expected to be about 39.1 billion yuan (including tax). The company said that the signing of the contract is conducive to the stable sales of its high-purity silicon products.

Tongwei shares said on the interactive platform that the long-term contract signed between the company and Longji, the sales price of silicon products is determined by monthly negotiations between the two sides according to the market situation, and the profit of the products varies dynamically based on product prices and production costs.

Liu Hanyuan said: "Longji Green Energy, Trina Solar Energy and other industry leaders areThereservepokerclubOur customers, we have also introduced them to become shareholders in our silicon companies to keep warm together during the winter in the industry. " Longji Green holds 49% of Yunnan Tongwei High Pure Crystal Silicon Co., Ltd., and 15% of Sichuan Yongxiang New Energy Co., Ltd. Tianhe, Jingke and Jingyuntong also hold shares in Tongwei Silicon subsidiary.

Zhou Bin, Chief Financial Officer of Tongwei shares, said that in the future, the company will continue to rely on the equity strategic partnership with customers and the long order purchase and sales model, and continue to consolidate the comprehensive competitiveness of its products to ensure the stable shipment of products.

Although the photovoltaic industry faces some pressure in the short term, in the long run, the industry leaders are full of confidence in the future of the photovoltaic industry. Liu Hanyuan said: "under the guidance of the goal of 'carbon neutralization', there is still a lot of room for photovoltaic installed capacity in China. After the photovoltaic industry has experienced a surge, it will certainly fall back, and the industrial chain may lose money in the decline stage, and some enterprises will even be eliminated. Optimistically predicted, it will be judged that the industry will improve in the fourth quarter of this year, which has nothing to do with the lack of clear production capacity, if the production capacity clearance will speed up the process. "

Longji Green expects that the growth rate of domestic photovoltaic installation will slow down in 2024, but it will remain high. Overseas markets will continue to grow driven by the economy of photovoltaic power generation. In 2024, the company will continue to cultivate the domestic and foreign photovoltaic market, adhere to the domestic and foreign two-line market strategy.

(article source: China Securities News)