sevenseasbingo| Decoding the "new" and "quality" of the economy in April


"Issuing ultra-long-term special treasury bonds will helpsevenseasbingomy country's investment and consumption needs have further expanded. According to estimates, if my country can add 1 trillion yuan in investment and consumption every year, it is expected to increase GDP by at least 0.0%sevenseasbingo.2 to 0.25 percentage points." said Lian Ping, president and chief economist of the Chief Industrial Research Institute of Guangkai.

Liu Aihua said that domestic demand is expected to continue to improve. From the perspective of investment, since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have accelerated the start of project construction, increased investment in innovation and development, and overall investment has maintained stable growth; in terms of consumption, as the employment situation improves, consumption-promoting policies have been implemented in detail, and consumption scenarios have been continuously innovated and expanded., the consumer market will continue to expand and improve quality.

Currently, my country is in a critical period of transformation and upgrading. The construction of a modern industrial system is accelerating and the cultivation of new productive forces represented by high-tech manufacturing is accelerating.

Data show that from January to April, the proportion of equipment manufacturing above designated size accounted for 32.4% of all industries above designated size, and the proportion of added value of high-tech manufacturing reached 15.4%, and the proportion continued to increase.

In the same period, the output of new energy vehicles and solar cells increased by 33.2% and 18.2% respectively year-on-year; online retail sales of physical goods increased by 11.1%, accounting for 23.9% of the total retail sales of consumer goods.

sevenseasbingo| Decoding the "new" and "quality" of the economy in April

Wang Qing, chief macro analyst of Orient Jincheng, analyzed that investment in high-tech manufacturing increased by 9.7% year-on-year from January to April, continuing to maintain a high growth level, which reflects the effect of policies supporting the development of new quality productivity.

"As these new industries, new products, and new models continue to grow, the leading role of innovation will continue to be demonstrated, and the economic development space will be further expanded." Liu Aihua said.

Looking forward to the next stage, Wang Qing believes that the effect of the policy of stabilizing growth in the second quarter will be further reflected, the driving force of external demand on economic growth is expected to be further enhanced, and the momentum of recovery of economic growth momentum will continue.