moneymakerpoker| Pets getting on the high-speed rail is still pending. Zhihu answers: Intelligent pet raising can solve worries


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Recently, the China Railway customer Service Center launched the "questionnaire on Pet Transport on Railway passenger High-speed Rail", and "Pet Riding on High-speed Rail" caused a heated discussion. When returning home on holidays and traveling on business, how to take care of pets at home has always been a troublesome topic for "shovel shit officials". In this regard, the feasibility of high-speed rail pet consignment is still being discussed, and Zhihu replied that your sister has already recommended a "smart pet three-piece set" to solve the worries of pet owners.

On Zhihu, the number of discussions on the topic of "pets" reached 10.22 million and the number of views reached 19.7 billion. In addition, a large number of respondents have professional discussions on related topics such as pet keeping, pet medical care, pet community, pet behavior, and so on. Some of them are professionals such as pet doctors, zoology doctors, trainers, and more are professional "shoveling officials." Zhihu answered that your sister is one of them.

As the excellent answer to the topic of Zhihu Cat and the New knowledge Respondent of 2023, your sister has two British short-haired cats at home, who project all their love on their hairy children, and even give up 600000 offer a year for cats. Your sister Zha, who used to take the personal experience of her cat as the true judgment standard, shared the evaluation information of various products in Zhihu, recommended pet food and supplies to shovel officials to meet different needs, and was a well-deserved "expert" in the pet field.

"shoveling officials" who have pets at home will inevitably encounter the problem of inconvenient travel. Especially for new employees in big cities, when they return home during the Spring Festival and travel for a long time, they either choose air consignment or institutional foster care, which costs a lot of money. There is no doubt that the high-speed train can consign pets to solve the problems of many people, but before that, this kind of situation is not completely unsolved. When you check your sister, you often encounter the problem of how to arrange your pets after leaving home on business trips, trips, and so on. She published an answer in Zhihu, sharing the "three-piece set of intelligent pet keeping": automatic feeder, automatic water dispenser and automatic cat litter basin, allowing high-tech intelligent pet products to alleviate the practical problems encountered by pet owners.

Your younger sister not only praises scientific and technological intelligence, but also adheres to the scientific pet breeding principle of annual physical examination, and advocates pet owners to strangle the hidden dangers of pet diseases in the cradle in a timely manner. She often shares knowledge about the health and safety of pets in Zhihu. In addition to everyday items such as cat food, cat litter and health products, she also shares pet-friendly household appliances-cat purifiers. Real advice is given from the actual air purification effect and cat-friendly and other aspects. After stepping on a lot of thunder on the way to keep the room hairless, she recommended a separate dryer that can really free her hands, to solve the hair loss problem of hairy children to the greatest extent; she even made her home look like a pet-friendly home, trying to keep the cat "curious and put an end to danger" in a closed and comfortable space.

moneymakerpoker| Pets getting on the high-speed rail is still pending. Zhihu answers: Intelligent pet raising can solve worries

Recently, your younger sister, ah, participated in the "New staff good things Festival" held by Zhihu online to share more pet knowledge for users as a pet "expert". She has participated in round table, live broadcast and other activities in Zhihu pet field many times, and was invited to participate in the 2024 Asia Pet Show as a sharing guest, and took the stage to share her pet concept and creative experience. "she can use her little experience to help another kitten parent and get more shoveling officials to devote themselves to raising cats scientifically." this is the source of her creative motivation in Zhihu.

There are many contemporary pet owners like you Chamei, who love pets, advocate scientific pet raising, and are willing to share real and professional pet raising knowledge with more people, so as to promote the harmonious coexistence of people, pets and society. Recently, Zhihu launched the "good things Festival for New employees" with the theme of "follow the connoisseur, choose the right thing". Many pet respondents and "connoisseurs" from different fields are recommending good things for consumers to find better answers for life.