roulettewheelonlinecasino| Strengthen the supervision of advance fees in elderly care institutions, and seven departments take action


The guidance on strengthening the supervision of pre-charging of pension institutions (hereinafter referred to as "opinions") recently issued by seven departments, including the Ministry of Civil Affairs, proposes to encourage pension institutions to provide services to the elderly by charging fees for the current month. The pension institutions that adopt the method of pre-charging are required to make a good public announcement. The deposit and membership fee shall be managed by the third-party depository of commercial banks and risk margin to ensure the safety of funds.

The relevant responsible person of the Ministry of Civil Affairs said that the "opinion" grasps the relationship between "stability" and "advance" and promotes the "advance" of pre-charging risk resolution on the premise of "stabilizing" the order of the pension service market.RoulettewheelonlinecasinoTo strengthen the "advance" of inter-departmental coordination and full-chain supervision to promote the "stability" of the market order of old-age services.

According to the opinion, by 2025, we will establish and improve the supervision mechanism of pre-charging for inter-departmental pension institutions, coordinate supervision and further optimize, effectively improve the ability of monitoring and early warning of pre-charged funds, investigation of hidden risks and handling of violations of laws and regulations, make the pension service market fairer and orderly, effectively reduce the risks of illegal fund-raising, and steadily improve the satisfaction of the elderly with the consumption of old-age services.

In recent years, some pension institutions have adopted pre-fee operation, which has been alleviated to a certain extent.RoulettewheelonlinecasinoThe problems such as insufficient funds for facility construction have been solved, and the pressure on operation has been relieved. However, a small number of pension institutions have problems such as non-standard management and use of funds, "difficult to refund", "explode mines" and "run away" after the capital chain is broken, and even some lawbreakers have committed criminal acts such as illegal fund-raising and fraud. seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly and disrupt the order of the pension service market.

According to the relevant responsible person of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the "opinion" focuses on standardizing fees, fair use, safety management, and risk prevention, and by defining collection requirements, standardizing the use of use, strengthening the management of refund, and strengthening supervision measures during and after the event, tighten the "legal fence" of pre-charging to minimize risks.

According to the opinion, the provincial civil affairs department may, according to the local situation, work with relevant departments to determine the longest pre-collection period of local pension service fees and the maximum amount of deposit, but the maximum period of advance collection of old-age service fees shall not exceed 12 months. the deposit charged on a single elderly person shall not exceed 12 times the monthly bed fee of the elderly.

roulettewheelonlinecasino| Strengthen the supervision of advance fees in elderly care institutions, and seven departments take action

The "opinion" also regulates the use of prepaid fees for pension institutions. It is clear that the prepaid fees collected by pension institutions are mainly used to deduct the fees paid by the elderly during their stay in the institution, to make up for the lack of funds for the construction of facilities, or to develop the pension service business of the institution. Membership fees shall not be used for high-risk investments such as non-self-use real estate, marketable securities and financial derivatives. Old-age institutions shall not induce the elderly or their agents to pay advance fees by promising to repay principal and interest or to give returns on other investments.

The above-mentioned responsible person said that in view of the problems of some pension institutions, such as "selling more than one bed", pre-charging for an ultra-long period, diverting funds for other purposes, delaying the refund for no reason, inducing consumption in a disguised form, etc., a series of requirements are put forward, such as strictly forbidding pension institutions to promise services beyond the supply capacity of beds, limiting the time limit and amount of pre-charges, restricting the use of funds, standardizing the content of service agreements and refunds, and strictly forbidding induced payment. Resolutely rectify the chaos of charges In view of the deposit and membership fee with large hidden risks, on the basis of daily supervision, bank deposit management and risk margin management should be adopted to give full play to the outpost role of financial institutions and further improve the level of capital security. The "opinions" put forward a series of management measures to improve the safety factor of consumption, so that the elderly and their families can spend more at ease.

In terms of refund, the opinion requires that pension institutions should promptly refund fees that meet the conditions of refund agreed in the service agreement, and shall not refuse or delay them. If an old-age institution suspends or terminates its service due to suspension of business or other reasons, it shall issue a reminder of the change of business status at its service place, portal and other prominent locations 30 days in advance, refund the remaining fees in time, and properly solve the problem of follow-up service.

The above-mentioned relevant responsible person said that the introduction of the "guidance" has not only purified the ecology of the pension service market, standardized and guided the industry to develop in a healthy and orderly direction, but also paid attention to maintaining consistency with macro policies, refraining from slamming on the brakes across the board, and further stabilizing the confidence of industry investment and development by creating a stable, transparent, open and predictable policy environment.

First, it is affirmed that in order to solve the shortage of construction funds, relieve the pressure of operation, and adopt the pre-charging mode to operate, it is the result of the diversified development of the main body of the market; the second is to fill the gap in the regulatory system at the national level. draw a red line and set a yardstick for the pre-charging behavior of pension institutions, with open, fair and transparent regulatory rules and standards, so that supervision can be followed and institutions can operate in good faith and comply with regulations. The third is to build a collaborative supervision system, clarify the division of responsibilities and coordination of departments, strengthen the convergence and cooperation of work, and enhance the coordination and coordination of cross-departmental daily supervision, risk monitoring, classification and disposal, so as to form a joint force of effective supervision.