freebingonodepositrequired| The new generation comprehensive financial management business platform is officially launched


Source: China Financial Management Network

In order to better support the supervision of financial managementFreebingonodepositrequiredTo serve the operation of the financial management market, further improve the processing efficiency of the financial management registration business and optimize the customer experience, the Banking Financial Management Registration Trusteeship Center Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Financial Management Registration Center), under the guidance of the regulatory authorities and the strong support of the Central National debt Registration and Clearing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Central Clearing Company), make every effort to build a new generation of financial management system-- financial management integrated business platform. It was completed and put into production during the period of International Labour Day in 2024, and the service was officially provided to the public from 6: 00 a.m. on May 6. The new generation of integrated financial management business platform integrates the brand-new national banking financial management information registration system, financial product central data exchange platform, old-age financial management system, personal pension financial management industry platform, financial management manager service system, and so on. it will become a unified portal platform for financial management registration centers to provide professional services for regulatory departments and market institutions.

The original national banking financial management information registration system was launched in 2013 and has been running smoothly for more than 10 years by 2024. During this period, the system has been continuously upgraded and improved, and has formed a registration model and process covering the whole life cycle of financial products, penetrating upward to investors and downward to underlying assets. it has become the earliest business system in the asset management industry to achieve penetrating registration, providing a rich data source for regulators to strengthen penetrating supervision and continuous supervision.

In order to meet the needs of comprehensively strengthening financial supervision and the transformation and development of the financial management market, since 2022, with the support of the Central Clearing Corporation, the Financial Management Registration Center has launched the construction of a new generation of national banking financial management information registration system. The new generation of national banking financial management information registration system takes innovation drive as the core, science and technology empowerment as the traction, and tries its best to realize the innovative allocation of production factors and the productivity transition in line with the new development concept. First, complete the reshaping of the business architecture. Unify the financial customer user management system, centrally integrate each registration module, optimize the system functions such as product declaration and employee registration, enhance the system interface friendliness, and optimize the user experience. The second is to improve the ability of data governance. Online financial management registration data modification management function, improve the underlying asset position registration quality monitoring indicators, effectively improve the financial information registration quality penetrating monitoring ability and registration data quality. The third is to deepen the construction of the technological system. Realize the financial management information registration business from the AS400 host to the open platform, build the data center, greatly improve the database storage capacity and massive data processing efficiency, and lay the foundation for the development of digital financial management. The fourth is to effectively improve the safety performance. In accordance with the three levels of network security protection and data security-related requirements, the comprehensive application of commercial cryptographic algorithms and data classification and classification strategies, multiple measures to effectively improve financial information compliance and security. The fifth is to realize the integration and co-construction of the financial registration system and the central data exchange platform for financial products. The central data exchange platform realizes the dedicated line connection between the financial management registration center and the market organization, and between the market organization and the market organization. Under the unified and standardized data exchange protocol standard, the new mode of "one platform, one set of standards, one access" is implemented to effectively help market institutions to reduce costs and increase efficiency. At present, the cumulative business occurrence of the central data exchange platform has exceeded 18 trillion yuan.

At the same time, in order to further do a good job in regulatory support, this simultaneous launch also includes a new generation of financial management statistical monitoring system. The system optimizes and improves the original statistical monitoring theme report, and designs a total of 28 theme reports, such as monthly financial statistics, financial product details, asset details and so on. it can realize the full-scale statistics of financial management business, the penetrating statistics of asset holdings and the detailed statistics of product asset records. At the same time, based on the new system BI analysis tool, it further improves the convenience and automation of data processing, supports the flexible processing and design of the index model, and strengthens the timeliness of financial management business risk monitoring.

freebingonodepositrequired| The new generation comprehensive financial management business platform is officially launched

As a regulatory support institution and a financial management market infrastructure service organization, the financial management registration center has always adhered to the functional orientation of "service supervision, market service and investor service". It has played a positive role in supporting the supervision of financial management business, serving the operation of the financial management market, and helping investors' education. In the future, the financial management registration center will rely on the technological advantages of the Central Clearing Corporation, continue to do a good job in science, technology and finance, speed up the development of new quality productive forces, and continue to build a new generation of integrated financial management business platform and financial statistics and monitoring system through the introduction of advanced technologies such as distributed unitary structure. we will support regulatory departments to strengthen the "five major supervision", serve market institutions to do a good job in "five major articles", and make every effort to ensure the stability and future of the financial management market.