2022cryptogames| The two cities fluctuated and fell back by 31.2 billion yuan in main capital outflows!


Special topic: a-share upward volume breakthrough pays attention to the post-holiday capital replenishment effect

The market adjusted on Wednesday2022cryptogamesThe industries of the two cities showed great differentiation and local rotation.2022cryptogamesPublic transport, coal, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing, electric power, gas heating, transportation facilities, transport services, banking, oil, insurance, paper, health care, medicine and other industries are active. Internet, real estate, non-ferrous materials, media entertainment, software development, communication equipment, automobiles, mineral products, household appliances, tourism and other industries show adjustments. In the theme section, immunotherapy, disperse dyes, chicken concept, gene concept, biological vaccine, weight loss drug, glyphosate, COVID-19 detection, assisted reproduction, human brain engineering, medical beauty concept, pork and other topics showed rotation. Sora concept, copper high-speed connection, flying car, multimodal AI, knowledge payment, quantum technology, space-time big data, quantum technology, short play games, cloud games, military information, operating system, SAIC cloud and other topics showed weakness. By the end of the day, the Prev was down 0.2022cryptogames.61% to close at 31282022cryptogames.48 points; the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 1.35% to close at 9638.82 points; the gem fell 1.45% to close at 1865.11 points.

From the point of view of the main capital flow of the two cities, by the close, the main funds of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets showed a substantial net outflow, with a total outflow of 31.21276 billion yuan. Of this total, the large single net outflow was 10.46349 billion yuan, the large single net outflow was 20.74927 billion yuan, the medium single net inflow was 1.53944 billion yuan, and the small single net inflow was 296733.2 billion yuan.

2022cryptogames| The two cities fluctuated and fell back by 31.2 billion yuan in main capital outflows!

Judging from the capital flow direction of the industry plate of the two cities, the coal industry received a net inflow of 561 million of the main capital, the agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing sector received a net inflow of 493 million, the medical device plate received a net inflow of 426 million, the biological products plate received a net inflow of 236 million of the main capital, and the precious metal plate received a net inflow of 211 million.

From the point of view of the capital flow of individual stocks in the market, the top 10 net inflows of main funds are as follows:

From the point of view of the main capital flow of individual stocks in the two cities, Changan Automobile received a net inflow of 770 million, Wanfeng Aowei (rights protection) received a net inflow of 345 million, Lu Kang Medicine received a net inflow of 288 million, Jiu'an Medical received a net inflow of 247 million of main funds, and Tianfu Communications received a net inflow of 190 million of main funds.

On the whole, the market showed shock adjustment, and the industries of the two cities showed differentiation and local rotation. After the continuous concussion of the post-holiday market, there was a pullback in the short-term profit-taking and on-site capital adjustment, the stock index continued to show a narrow range of shocks, and the industries of the two cities were sharply divided again, indicating that there were differences in funds on the market. Market defense sentiment has risen. In the short term, the overall market trend maintains an upward pattern, the short-term adjustment does not hinder the upward trend in the medium term, and the market adjustment is conducive to the digestion of short-term earnings and the technical dressing of the stock index. At present, the stock index has stood firm at the annual line and 3100 points, and technical modifications have been carried out in the near future or near the 5th line to confirm short-term technical support. The current bull market pattern is beginning to emerge, and with the continuous strengthening of follow-up policies and the continuous improvement of the domestic economy, the market phased repair market is expected to continue. Therefore, in terms of investment opportunities, it is suggested that we should continue to pay attention to the phased opportunities under the expectation of economic recovery and carry out the mid-line layout. In the short-term operation, investors can consider reducing their holdings in order to realize the short-term gains, while in the middle-line strategy, it is suggested that the layout of pro-cyclical industries and big consumption opportunities should continue to be made, and that we should continue to pay attention to large infrastructure and large consumption sectors. pay attention to the structural opportunities of low-altitude economy, artificial intelligence, intelligent machines and new energy vehicles, power batteries, photovoltaic, wind power and other themes under the new quality productivity.

(author: Zhu Hualei practice Certificate: A0680613030001)