

Which medium and small market capitalization innovative stocks will become ten times as many shares in the future?

Recently, a series of new policies such as the new "National Nine articles" have been introduced in the capital market, which are of great benefit to the market and help to promote truly outstanding enterprises to come to the fore.

CurrentShadowruntabletopChina is in a critical period of economic restructuring and industrial upgrading, and small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in employment and innovation. Under the national policy of encouraging the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and innovative enterprises, some small and medium-sized listed companies focused on market segments are expected to quickly adapt to market changes and technological innovation, so as to take a leading position in emerging industries in the future. and then grow into "tenfold shares".

Generally speaking, small and medium-sized stocks whose share prices hit a record high can reflect the good expectations of the market, indicating that they have strong comprehensive competitiveness and market recognition. In view of this, this paper selects 50 small and medium-sized market value stocks from the record high stocks during the year to provide decision-making reference for investors.

"medium and small market capitalization reaches a new high of 50" presents four major characteristics.

Among the stocks that hit an all-time high during the year, the Securities Times data Bao was first screened according to three conditions: the market capitalization was between 3 billion yuan and 20 billion yuan, the latest stock price withdrew less than 40% from the highest stock price, and it was listed before the end of 2022. On this basis, the stocks with the highest dividend rate are excluded (the year's market style prefers stocks with high dividend rate). Finally, it retains 50 small and medium-sized market value stocks that have reached an all-time high (referred to as "medium and small market capitalization reaching a new high of 50").

Databao carding found that small and medium-sized market capitalization reached a new high of 50% mainly showing the following characteristics:

First, the growth is good. The growth of operating income is the direct embodiment of the growth of enterprises. Of the 50 stocks, 46 shares have a positive compound growth rate of revenue in the past three years, accounting for 92%, reflecting the good business expansion of the vast majority of enterprises and the continuous expansion of their market share. Specific stocks, Maiwei Bio-U, Jiayi shares, New Asia Electronics, Robert Tech (300757), Jiudan Pharmaceutical (300705) 5 shares have a compound revenue growth rate of more than 40% in the past three years.

Among them, Roboteko ranks first in market capitalization. The company is one of the few domestic enterprises that can provide high-end automation equipment and intelligent manufacturing execution system software and has a certain brand influence. it has a prominent position in the field of photovoltaic battery automation equipment research and development and production. The company achieved revenue of 15% in 2023Shadowruntabletop72 million yuan, up 74 percent over the previous year, and the net profit returned to the mother was 77.1328 million yuan, an increase of 195.05 percent over the previous year. According to a research report by Transparency Market Research, an international market research institute, the global intelligent manufacturing market will grow at an average compound annual growth rate of 13.2% from 2016 to 2024.

Second, attach importance to scientific and technological innovation. Among the 50 stocks, 48 shares disclosed the growth rate of R & D investment in 2023, of which 38 maintained positive growth, accounting for 79.17%, reflecting that most enterprises attach importance to R & D investment and pay attention to scientific and technological innovation and sustainable development. Overseas Chinese source shares, new Asia electronics, Lippert, Jin Longyu (002882) four shares R & D investment growth rate of more than 100% in 2023.

Among them, the market capitalization of Qiaoyuan shares ranks first. The company is engaged in the production and sales of industrial gases, covering high-purity oxygen, high-purity nitrogen, high-purity argon, medical oxygen, food nitrogen and other gases, mainly to meet the gas needs of metallurgical, chemical, military, medical, food and other traditional industries as well as new energy, semiconductors, electronic information, biomedicine, new materials and other emerging industries. In 2023, the company achieved revenue of 1.022 billion yuan, an increase of 11.25% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 203 million yuan, an increase of 72.77% over the same period last year.

Third, the attention of the organization is high. Data show that nearly 70% of the small and medium-sized market capitalization reached a new high and 50 shares were rated by institutions actively (including buying, increasing holdings, strong recommendations, etc.). Action Education, Silverwheel shares (002126), Invik (002837) and Anhui Heli (600761) have the highest number of agency ratings, all of which are more than 20, and all forecast net profit growth of more than 20 per cent this year.

Twenty-three of them unanimously forecast that Invik's net profit would grow by 50.09% this year. Invik is the industry's leading provider of energy-saving solutions and products for precision temperature control. In 2023, the company achieved revenue of 3.529 billion yuan, an increase of 20.72% over the same period last year, and its net profit was 344 million yuan, an increase of 22.74% over the same period last year, continuing the record of double growth of income and profit for more than a decade.

Fourth, manufacturing stocks are clustered together. Of the 50 stocks, 42 shares belong to the manufacturing industry, accounting for 84%, far higher than the current A-share manufacturing industry listed companies accounted for 67.42% of the total number of A-shares. Further statistics show that more than half of the 42 manufacturing stocks are rated as specialized, special new or high-tech enterprises, which are the leading enterprises in their subdivided fields and the typical representative of new quality productivity. the compound growth rate of revenue of these stocks has been positive in the past three years.

In the first three months of this year, investment in the manufacturing sector grew 9.9 per cent year-on-year, exceeding market consensus expectations and significantly higher than the 4.5 per cent growth in fixed asset investment, according to Western Securities, which grew by just 6.5 per cent for the whole of last year. At the beginning of the year, manufacturing investment showed strong resilience and expansion potential, which became an important support for the higher-than-expected GDP growth in the first quarter of this year. We believe that under the neutral assumption, the growth rate of manufacturing investment is expected to reach 8% for the whole year, which is higher than that in 2023.

Debon Securities believes that the slope of the rise in US interest rates between 2022 and 2023 is too steep, curbing global manufacturing inventories and investment across the board. As long as US interest rates do not continue to rise rapidly in the future, we judge that the global manufacturing sector may recover. China's high-end optional consumption is picking up, and home appliances, cars and mobile phones will be a positive driver for the profit improvement of high-end manufacturing.

Judging from the segment of 42 manufacturing stocks, the computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industries reached record highs this year, including 10 stocks, including Co-Chuang data, Demingli, Furong Technology (603327), Li Ding Optoelectronics, Zhi Wei Intelligence and so on.

Among them, the market capitalization of Co-Chuang data ranks first. The company is committed to cloud platform, AIoT as the core, around the audio and video ecology, to provide "cloud-edge-to-end" intelligent equipment services, the main products include Internet of things intelligent terminals, storage devices, intelligent wearable terminals, intelligent cleaning products and cloud video business. The company's revenue in 2023 was 4.658 billion yuan, an increase of 47.95% over the same period last year, and its net profit was 287 million yuan, an increase of 119.46% over the same period last year.

Many shares have been newly bought by foreign investors

Data treasure statistics, the above 50 stocks, Shencheng Jiao, Jiayi shares, Zhi micro intelligence, Lippert, Hua porcelain shares, Ai Seiko (603580) 6 shares were bought by QFII in the first quarter of this year. Among them, Shenzhen Chengjiao and Zhi Micro Intelligence also received northward funds to buy new shares during the year, buying 435600 shares and 1.785 million shares respectively.




