8casinocom| Li Zhenjiang: "Single-point breakthrough to solve the overall situation" has basically failed, and establishing an all-factor competition strategy is the core


Special topic: 2024 Round Table on the Development of Guizhou Liquor Enterprises

"Shouzheng, innovation and co-protection of Guizhou liquor brands, intellectual cohesion to expand superior industrial clusters". From May 26 to 27, the 2024 round table on the development of Guizhou liquor enterprises was held at Maotai International Hotel to examine and plan the development of Guizhou liquor industry.8casinocomThe annual important meeting, Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable will attract the attention of the industry.

At the "Liquor Industry Exchange reception" held on the afternoon of May 26, I shared the theme with Li Zhenjiang, Deputy General Manager of Jun Consulting.

Li Zhenjiang believes that at present, there are five major characteristics and problems in the development of Guizhou liquor:

8casinocom| Li Zhenjiang: "Single-point breakthrough to solve the overall situation" has basically failed, and establishing an all-factor competition strategy is the core

In response to the above problems, Li Zhenjiang put forward ten suggestions:

1. Industrial upgrading. "Scientific and technological innovation + Chinese culture + healthy life" is the new driving force of industrial development. The development of Guizhou liquor industry needs to follow this industrial logic to make a more in-depth transition plan. "Science and technology Maotai flavor" may be the key measure for the leap of Guizhou liquor industry.

2. The construction of producing areas. Efforts should be made to promote the construction of diversified characteristic producing areas, the iteration and upgrading of producing area classification standards and production technical standards, which will certainly stimulate the internal development power of a number of old and new famous wines, so as to further upgrade the producing areas. Take the construction of the characteristics of the producing areas as the starting point to achieve more three-dimensional industrial development, and finally make the Guizhou producing areas become the benchmark wine producing areas in China.

3. Go to sea. Strengthen the practice of "going out to sea" of internationalization, and professionally dock a number of international resources and platforms. It is of strategic significance to vigorously develop international channels and ecological integration, and to build a unique and pragmatic platform for wine brands in Guizhou through forum exchanges, resource exchange, mode output and other ways.

4. Integration of industry and tourism. We will further expand the in-depth interaction between Guizhou's global tourism and the wine industry and wine-producing areas, and focus on creating a number of production and tourism integration projects with "distinct themes, prominent hot spots, extensive participation and strong cultural and entertainment". So as to promote the construction of producing areas from characteristic to "cultural and entertainment".

5. Upgrade the quality again. The change of production tools brought about by intelligent manufacturing, so as to achieve the quality upgrading of "alcohol is less harmful to the human body" is a new and core topic for the breakthrough development of wine enterprises at present and in the future.

6. Market construction. The methodology of "single-point breakthrough to solve the overall situation" basically fails at the end of market construction, and the core work of "breaking the inner volume" is that large-scale soy sauce and wine enterprises need to establish a full-factor competition strategy.

7. Regional selection. The proportion of consumption expenditure in third-and fourth-tier cities remains at 39%, which is 37% higher than the national average. Liquor consumption in fourth-tier cities is increasing, and the strategic and extensive layout is of practical value.

8. Price demand. 200-600 yuan per bottle (transaction price) industry-wide expansion of more than 25%, 300 yuan price section of the important watershed between strong flavor and sauce flavor, focusing on resources, system planning has medium-and short-term development practical significance. The essence of the price belt above 1000 yuan is not a category dispute, but a brand dispute.

9. Channel variable. The further ploughing and fine operation of tobacco and alcohol shops and catering channels is imperative. At the same time, new variables appeared in the channel, the competition in the banquet market further intensified, the activity of the wedding banquet continued to decline, and the overall turnover decreased by about 5%.8casinocomFull moon banquets maintain a small growth, birthday banquets and enrollment banquets show an incremental momentum, targeted and focused channel strategies are the basis of change and development.

10. Organization. "some people have development, no one will retrogression" has become the consensus of the whole industry, continue to expand the scale of the organization, strengthen per capita yield assessment, improve the integrated incentive mechanism, is the only choice for soy sauce and wine enterprises with lofty aspirations.