bonanzafreeslot| China Software and Huawei Department: Xinchuang National Test Phase II added new CPU and operating system companies shortlisted


News summary

Xinchuang National Testing Phase II added new safety and reliability level II CPU and operating system manufacturers, covering the fields of domestic chips and server operating systems. Ultra-long-term treasury bonds have helped the recovery of the credit and innovation industry, with supply side continuing to iterate and track expansion. It is recommended to pay attention to OS, chips, PC& Hongmeng, office software, printers, security, and server-related manufacturers.

Newsletter text

[The new phase of Xinchuang National Testing has been announced, with safety grading and new manufacturers leading the increase]

The China Information Security Evaluation Center announced the "Safety and Reliable Evaluation Results Announcement (No. 1 of 2024)" on May 20, 2024, presentingbonanzafreeslotThere are significant incremental changes compared with last year.

In the field of central processing units (CPU), 10 Class II CPUs and 4 Class I CPUs have been added to the newly classified safety and reliability levels. Among them, Loongson, Feiteng, Haiguang, Huawei and other brands have all been selected for new products.

In terms of operating systems, server operating system products from six manufacturers including Kirin Shinan, Huawei, ZTE, Tencent, and Ali have been added, reflecting the continuous progress and innovation of security technology.

[Capital flows surge, and the credit and innovation industry is about to recover]

As the Ministry of Finance announced that it will issue 1 trillion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds in the third quarter of 2024, it will provide financial support for the implementation of major national strategies and security construction. This is expected to bring new growth drivers to the credit and innovation industry.

bonanzafreeslot| China Software and Huawei Department: Xinchuang National Test Phase II added new CPU and operating system companies shortlisted

In addition, the Ministry of Finance's 2024 science and technology budget is close to 500 billion yuan, aiming to promote breakthroughs in key core technologies and inject new vitality into the field of information and innovation.

[Xinchuang track expands,"Xinchuang +" model attracts attention]

A new batch of safety and reliability evaluation results show that the addition of new manufacturers such as Huawei, ZTE, and Alibaba has brought new suppliers to the credit and innovation industry.

In terms of the number of CPU finalists, brands such as Loongson and Feiteng have increased significantly. In the field of operating systems, the addition of companies such as Kirin Software and Kirin Sinus to the OpenEuler ecosystem indicates the further development of the software ecosystem.

Investors can keep an eye on the following areasbonanzafreeslot: China Software for the operating system, Kirin Xinan and Chengmai Technology; Haiguang Information, Loongson Zhongke, and China Great Wall in the chip field; iSoftStone Power and Smart Intelligence for PC and Hongmeng Systems; Jinshan Office and Foxin Software for office software; Printer manufacturer Nasda; Kirin Xinan, Xinan Century and Zhongfu Information in the security field; server suppliers Zhongke Shuguang and Digital China.

We need to be vigilant about the risks brought by policy advancement, government budgets and technology iteration that may fall short of expectations.