casinomoons25freespins| Inflation in the United States is slowing down, how is the market outlook? Let's hear what CITIC Prudential Fund Gu Fanding has to say?


The latest U.S. inflation, retail sales, job market and other data indicate that the U.S. economic growth is slowing down, which is in line with our expectations; the market's response to economic data is more reflected in intra-day fluctuations, and the overall performance is relatively calm. The market is expected to cut interest rates during the year. Maintain 1casinomoons25freespins.8 times, unchanged from last week, with all major asset categories remaining unchangedcasinomoons25freespinsRecent operating characteristics. Judging from the performance of U.S. stocks, the performance of U.S. stocks in various industries and styles this year has been more balanced than last year. The performance of the technology giant FANG+ Index and other industries and styles has converged, which may also reflect the positive diffusion effect of the economy and capital markets.

Looking to the market outlook, we believe that as U.S. stocks hit new highs and the European Central Bank has a high probability of cutting interest rates in June, the "rebalancing" transaction in which the U.S. dollar has weakened since April and international funds have switched from U.S. dollar assets to Europe and emerging markets may be coming to an end. In terms of bulk commodities, supply and demand are basically still supported by commodity prices, but short-term abnormal capital congestion transactions quickly amplified investment risks.

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casinomoons25freespins| Inflation in the United States is slowing down, how is the market outlook? Let's hear what CITIC Prudential Fund Gu Fanding has to say?