desperadosmegaways| Introduction to the stock market: How to understand the trading hours and rules of the stock market


Welcome to the stock marketdesperadosmegawaysThe wonderful world. Today, we will take you through the stock marketdesperadosmegawaysGood trading hours and rules will help you lay a solid foundation.

First, it is crucial to understand the trading hours of the stock market.

Stock trading is usually done on weekdays, except weekends. China's stock market opens at 9 amdesperadosmegaways:30, closing time is 3 pmdesperadosmegaways:00。It is worth noting that the market does not rest at noon, trading directly from morning to afternoon. In addition, between 2:57 and 3:00 pm, the trading system will conduct centralized matching to complete the last transaction of the day.

Next, let's talk about the basic rules of stock trading.

Stock trading follows certain rules and procedures. In China, investors need to open stock accounts through securities companies and corresponding capital accounts in banks. After that, investors can buy and sell through securities trading software or mobile applications.

Stock trading is based on lot, and one lot is equal to 100 shares. Investors must buy at least one lot of shares. In addition, stock trading implements a T+1 trading system, that is, stocks bought today can only be sold tomorrow at the earliest.

Transaction costs are also an aspect worthy of attention.

desperadosmegaways| Introduction to the stock market: How to understand the trading hours and rules of the stock market

Stock trading incurs certain fees, including commissions, stamp duty and transfer fees. Commissions are fees charged by securities companies and are usually a percentage of the transaction amount. Stamp duty is collected by the government and currently stands at one thousandth of the transaction amount. The transfer fee is 0.2% of the transaction amount and is charged by the exchange.

Finally, it is also very important to understand the basic knowledge and analytical skills of the stock market.

Investors need to understand the company's fundamental analysis, including the company's financial status, profitability, market position, etc. In addition, technical analysis is also an important tool for investment decisions, including indicators such as stock price trends and trading volume. Investors can continuously improve their analysis and decision-making capabilities through study and practice.

Through the above content, we hope that you will have a deeper understanding of the trading hours and rules of the stock market. Stock investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. We recommend that you study and prepare fully before investing to reduce risks and improve investment returns.

Trading Hours Trading Fees 9:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Commission, stamp duty, transfer fee