top10cryptoearninggames| Local state-owned assets continue to increase their holdings of control of Colin Electric, and there is a resurgence of disputes


There is new progress in the equity battle of Colin Electric (603050)top10cryptoearninggames, Shijiazhuang's state-owned assets continue to increase their holdings.

On the evening of May 17, Kerin Electric announced that it had recently received a notification letter from its shareholder Shijiazhuang State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd.(referred to as "SDIC Group"). SDIC Group increased its holdings of the company's shares by a total of 267 through the centralized bidding system on May 16 and 17top10cryptoearninggames.9,700 shares, with a shareholding change rate of 1.18%. According to the announcement, before the increase in holdings, SDIC Group held 10% of the company's total share capital; after the increase in holdings, SDIC Group held 11.18% of the company's total share capital. Kerin Electric said that this change in equity will not cause changes in the situation of the company's controlling shareholder and actual controller for the time being.

Since the end of March this year, SDIC Group has significantly increased its holdings of Kelin Electric, and together with Zhang Chengsuo, the actual controller of Kelin Electric, has formed a competition against Hisense's acquisition. On March 25, SDIC suddenly raised the name of Colin Electric and plans to continue to increase its holdings in the next 12 months, with an increase ratio of no less than 3%. Since then, SDIC Group has successively purchased shares of Kelin Electric through centralized bidding many times. On the evening of April 25, Kerin Electric announced that as of that day, SDIC Group's shareholding ratio had reached 10%, raising its cards again.

top10cryptoearninggames| Local state-owned assets continue to increase their holdings of control of Colin Electric, and there is a resurgence of disputes

In the face of SDIC Group's continued increase in its shareholding through the secondary market, Hisense Net can issue a tender offer. On the evening of May 13, Colin Electric announced that it had recently received a summary of the tender offer report from Hisense. The purpose of the tender offer was to gain control of the company. According to the announcement, this tender offer is part of the offer made by Hisense Net to the non-restricted tradable shares of all shareholders of Kelin Electric except itself. The number of shares purchased by the tender offer is approximately 45.4188 million shares, accounting for 20% of Kelin Electric's total share capital. The tender offer price is 33 yuan/share, a premium of nearly 15% from the previous day's closing price of 28.69 yuan, and the maximum capital required is expected to be approximately 1.499 billion yuan. Through this tender offer, Hisense's direct shareholding ratio will be close to 35%, and its voting rights ratio will be close to 45%. However, whether Hisense NetEnergy's tender offer will ultimately take effect remains to be confirmed.

SDIC Group's continuous increase in holdings at the forefront of the storm has made the battle for control of Kelin Electric more intense. Currently, Zhang Chengsuo and three senior executives including Qiu Shiyong jointly hold approximately 17.46% of Kelin Electric. If Zhang Chengsuo enters into an agreement with SDIC Group, his control of Kelin Electric's equity and voting rights will exceed 28%, exceeding the voting rights currently held by Hisense NetEnergy.

(Article source: Securities Times)