australianpokerleague| What impact will the new U.S. tariffs have on China's commodity exports? National Bureau of Statistics responds to


Gelonghui May 17| Liu Aihua, spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics, said at a press conference at the State Council Information Office that the U.S. government recently announced that it will further increase the levy on some products from China.australianpokerleagueRegarding the 301 tariff, everyone is more concerned about the impact it will have on the Chinese economy. Since the beginning of this year, the economic operation has continued to improve, the connection between supply and demand has continued to improve, and the linkage effect of the new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles reinforcing each other has been actively exerted. The overall operation of the national economy has shown relatively strong resilience and potential, which is conducive to resolving the impact of external shocks. First, the endogenous power and reliability of the domestic cycle have been further enhanced. Second, the quality and level of international circulation are further improved, which is conducive to continuously consolidating and expanding the international market and development space. In short, although the economy continues to recover and still faces certain difficulties and challenges, my country's economic foundation is stable, has many advantages, strong resilience, and great potential. The endogenous momentum of the economy continues to increase, social expectations continue to improve, and it has the ability and resilience to respond to external shocks. The upward trend of the economy will not change.

australianpokerleague| What impact will the new U.S. tariffs have on China's commodity exports? National Bureau of Statistics responds to