pokerchipsnearme| Water, electricity and coal continue to rise in prices. What can I buy?


I was doing business outside today, so I could only write a simple article. There was a piece of news two days ago that a city's tap water price was preparing to increase, and the increase was as high as 31%. I believe everyone will be shocked after reading it. However, what is even more shocking is that experts say this is only the beginning and that these public services will continue to increase prices in the future. Over the past decade,pokerchipsnearmeOur country's real estate industry is developing rapidly, and local zfs rely on income from land sales to live an extremely luxurious life. However, the good times have disappeared in the past two years and no one has bought the house, the local zf has also begun to run short of money. Naturally, they were staring at everyone's pockets. Although the unit prices of public services such as water, electricity, coal, roads and railways are not high, their scale is too huge, and these 1.4 billion people in China use them every day. Therefore, any increase in these projects will be enough for them to live. From an investment perspective,pokerchipsnearmeI have been selecting relevant funds for a while. I originally wanted to select ones that could cover all the industries mentioned above, but I couldn't find them. Personally, we can start with the electricity fund.

Electricity is currently in short supply around the world, and the continued development of artificial intelligence in the future will have greater demand for electricity. Coupled with the high probability that domestic electricity prices will continue to rise in the future, this industry is worth buying (300785) and holding for a long time. I have been observing these days, and I will send a message to inform everyone after I confirm which one to buy.

pokerchipsnearme| Water, electricity and coal continue to rise in prices. What can I buy?

Sector name Power industry Keywords hydropower coal, public services, funds bearish (bearish) Experts believe that public service prices will continue to rise in the future, and electricity is one of them, so they are bearish on A-shares.(5pokerchipsnearme.14) Water, electricity and coal continue to rise in prices. Which funds can I buy? Risk warning for Hexun's self-selected stock writers: The above content is only the author's or guest's opinion, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products based on their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers when necessary. Hexun strives but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun makes no guarantee or commitment in this regard.