newbingogames| The share price has been below 1 yuan for six consecutive trading days. ST Dima announced cooperation with China Resources Yukang in revitalizing difficult projects


Every reporter Wang Lin, every editor Dong Xingsheng

On the evening of May 13th, ST Dumas (i.e. Dumas shares SH600565, share price 0Newbingogames84 yuan with a market capitalization of 20 yuanNewbingogames9.3 billion yuan) announced that the company and Chongqing China Resources Yukang Asset Management Company (hereinafter referred to as "China Resources Yukang") signed a "Business Cooperation Framework Agreement". China Resources Yukang and ST Dumas will carry out business cooperation in the areas of invigorating the business of difficult projects, asset value enhancement and industrial empowerment, and Chongqing's "three key projects and one revitalization".

At the same time, according to people familiar with the matter, ST Dumas and his shareholders are now trying to co-ordinate and arrange funds under the coordination of the government, and will immediately launch a plan to increase their shareholdings as soon as the funds are available.

The exchange asked whether the agreement was based on the premise that ST Dumas would remain listed.

According to the announcement, between ST Dumas and China Resources YukangNewbingogamesThe cooperation mainly includes three aspects. First, the difficult project invigorates the business, aiming at the difficulties.NewbingogamesThe two sides intend to assist local regional restructuring and invigorating problem projects and solving the problem of "Baojiaolou" through business models such as "capital + construction and sales agency". For ST Dumas's stock plight project, China Resources Yukang alone and / or jointly provide relevant parties with rescue support.

The second is to increase the value of assets. in view of the inefficient and inefficient assets in the market, such as legal auction assets, "two non-two investments", non-performing debt collateral and so on, ST Dumas and China Resources Yukang will open up the business chain before and after the improvement of the value of non-performing assets through the mode of "acquisition + transformation + operation + de-capitalization", so as to achieve multi-economic benefits. For ST Dumas's property services and health care industry, the two sides will also clarify the target enterprises, improve operational efficiency and achieve premium exit through the comprehensive means of "enterprise restructuring + organizational restructuring + resource association + business activation".

Third, to participate in Chongqing's "three key projects and one revitalization". ST Dumas and China Resources Yukang plan to adopt the methods of investment + construction and sale or agent operation to assist Chongqing's district and county platform companies and state-owned enterprises to invigorate idle land and idle assets.

According to people close to bot Holdings, China Resources Yukang is the largest creditor of bot Holdings, and a large portion of its 35.55% stake in ST Dumas is mortgaged to China Resources Yukang.

It is worth mentioning that just after the above announcement of ST Dumas, the exchange quickly sent an inquiry letter to ST Dumas, asking the company to combine the specific contents of the "Business Cooperation Framework Agreement" to explain whether there are terms of the agreement that are binding on both sides of the transaction, and whether the performance of the relevant framework agreement and the signing of the specific business agreement is based on the premise that the company maintains its listing status. Whether the delisting risk of the company has an impact on the follow-up business cooperation between the two parties.

Can ST Dumas escape from the edge of "face value delisting"?

Recently, ST Dumas controlling shareholder BoE Holdings has made frequent actions, first announcing that it has signed a "Strategic Investment Framework Agreement" with Chongqing Jiangnan Urban Construction and Development (Group) Co., Ltd., a state-owned assets platform in Chongqing. Through judicial restructuring, the implementation of assets, debts, rights and interests and business package restructuring, fundamentally promote the enterprise to extricate itself from difficulties.

Then, on the evening of May 8, ST Dumas disclosed that bot Holdings had recently received a notification letter from its creditor Chongqing Xingye Industrial Development Co., Ltd., which had submitted relevant information on its application for restructuring of bot Holdings to the Fifth Intermediate people's Court of Chongqing.

However, the good news from the controlling shareholders does not appear to have boosted ST Dumas's share price. By the close of trading on May 13, ST Dumas shares had fallen below 1 yuan for six consecutive trading days, slipping to the brink of "face value delisting".

newbingogames| The share price has been below 1 yuan for six consecutive trading days. ST Dima announced cooperation with China Resources Yukang in revitalizing difficult projects

China Resources Yukang, which signed the Business Cooperation Framework Agreement with ST Dumas, is 54%, 20%, 13% and 13% respectively owned by China Resources Financial Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Resources Financial Holdings"), Chongqing Yufu holding Group Co., Ltd., Chongqing Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., and Chongqing Urban Construction Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. Among them, China Resources Financial Holdings is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Resources Co., Ltd.

Central enterprises, local state-owned enterprises have joined the battle, whether the stock price decline of ST Dumas can be reversed, is undoubtedly an important concern and focus of the market. ST Dumas shares rose 2.44% to 0.84 yuan as of the midday close on May 14.

In the secondary market, some investors are also looking forward to ST Dumas ushered in a major shareholder increase. ST Dumas said that this possibility could not be ruled out. According to people familiar with the matter, ST Dumas and his shareholders are currently trying to co-ordinate and arrange funds under the coordination of the government, and will immediately launch a plan to increase their shareholdings as soon as the funds are available.