mspacmanarcade| Quantify the coping strategies under rampant conditions, and keep them in mind


The surface of the plate is relatively lightMspacmanarcadeThe issue of quantitative trading, which is of concern to short-term traders, has attracted much attention. On the social platformMspacmanarcadeSome people have a negative attitude towards quantification, but the author emphasizes that trading discussions should focus on solving trading problems rather than blaming others. The impact of quantification on the market includes the rapid fluctuation of small tickets, the rapid linkage of plates and the rotating market. However, the intraday gains of individual stocks do not represent their leading position. To deal with this situation, it is recommended to buy at the right time, focusing on transaction logic and buying point. At the technical level, it is suggested that trading nodes should be predicted in advance to avoid following in intraday trading.

mspacmanarcade| Quantify the coping strategies under rampant conditions, and keep them in mind

At the same time, pay attention to the rotation opportunities of active plates. In the face of quantification, a reasonable purchase point is more important than the correct answer afterwards. The author gives an example to illustrate the importance of reasonable buying points in transactions. In the quantitative sideways, do not be confused by the strength of the market, reasonable buying points to determine long-term profit or not. In general, keep calm in the round against quantification and trade according to reasonable buying points. Only when we have a stable state of mind, observe the market, choose the right time to buy, and adhere to the trading logic, can we succeed in the market.

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