klasinocasino| China's lithium carbonate: Operating rate increased by 7.9 percentage points to 61.68% in April 2024


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The operating rate of lithium carbonate rose significantly in April [the monthly operating rate of lithium carbonate in China rose sharply to about 61 in April 2024.Klasinocasino.68%KlasinocasinoAn increase of 7.9 percentage points over the previous month. The rapid climbing of new production capacity and the vigorous increase in the production of lithium ore extraction enterprises are the main driving forces for the significant increase in supply. Although some enterprises in Qinghai have been overhauled due to failures, the overall operating rate remains at a high level, and the overall operating rate of the market is on the rise. Behind this growth is the strong market demand and the rapid development of the new energy industry. Lithium carbonate is a key raw material for the manufacture of lithium batteries, and the change of its supply has an important impact on battery manufacturers and new energy vehicle industry. With the continuous expansion of the global new energy vehicle industry, the demand for lithium carbonate is expected to continue to grow. In addition, the increase in the production of lithium ore extraction enterprises also provides a strong support for the growth of lithium carbonate supply. With the progress of technology and the reduction of cost, the extraction of lithium from ore has become an important source of lithium carbonate supply. In the future, with the commissioning of more projects to extract lithium from ores, the supply of lithium carbonate is expected to further increase. However, the rapid growth of the market also brings some challenges. The increase in supply may lead to an imbalance between supply and demand in the market, which in turn affects the price of lithium carbonate. In addition, issues such as environmental protection and resource utilization also need to be concerned by the industry to ensure sustainable development. Generally speaking, the significant increase in the operating rate of lithium carbonate in China in April reflects the strong market demand and the rapid development of the new energy industry. In the future, with the progress of technology and the commissioning of new projects, the supply of lithium carbonate is expected to further increase, providing strong support for the development of new energy vehicle industry. At the same time, the industry also needs to pay attention to the balance of market supply and demand and sustainable development in order to meet the challenges that may arise.

klasinocasino| China's lithium carbonate: Operating rate increased by 7.9 percentage points to 61.68% in April 2024