cryptocomgamefi| Midea Real Estate's compressed management level has changed from three-level management and control to a two-level structure


Source: Blue Whale News

recentlycryptocomgamefiBlue Whale News learned that the United StatescryptocomgamefiThe company has completed a new round of organizational structure adjustment, from three-level management and control to a two-level "group-city" structure. The management levels have been further reduced. The original 7 regions (including Shenyang City Company) have been split into 12 business units. In response, Midea Real Estate responded that this organizational structure adjustment is a normal adjustment within the company. The purpose is to better adapt to industry development and enterprise transformation, create an efficient and agile organization, simplify management, fully stimulate urban combat momentum, and respond to market challenges with stronger competitiveness. Personnel are guided by localized allocation, and front-line combat units are strengthened. There will be no large-scale personnel flow, but only adjustments will be made to some personnel roles and management division of labor. (Blue Whale News Cui Lupeng)

cryptocomgamefi| Midea Real Estate's compressed management level has changed from three-level management and control to a two-level structure