totojackpot| Changes in Hong Kong stocks| Hongteng Precision (06088) is now up more than 9% AI infrastructure is still in a high boom stage, the company expands overseas layout of consumer electronics business


Zhitong Financial APP learned that Hongteng Precision (06088) is now up more than 9%, up 9% as of press time.Totojackpot.23%, report 2Totojackpot.13 HK dollars, with a turnover of 18.6405 million Hong Kong dollars.

totojackpot| Changes in Hong Kong stocks| Hongteng Precision (06088) is now up more than 9% AI infrastructure is still in a high boom stage, the company expands overseas layout of consumer electronics business

On the news side, Hongteng previously released first-quarter results, revenue and other operating income of $965 million, up 12% from the same period last year; net profit from continuing operations was $10.201 million, compared with a loss of $9.297 million in the same period last year. CICC said that the performance fell within the upper limit of the company's previous performance forecast, which was basically in line with our and market expectations.

CICC pointed out that the rapid iteration of the AI model is continuing to promote the demand expansion of the underlying computing infrastructure. According to the company's public performance meeting, Hongteng is currently actively laying out a variety of new products in the field of AI services, such as EDSFF connectors, MCIO/MXIO/DACEM cables, CAMM memory slots, and so on.TotojackpotIn 2024, DesignCon launched a series of 224G high-speed Imax O products. From the industry level, GTC2024 Nvidia released GB200NVL72 cabinets for copper cable connection demand continues to rise, leading to the overall market expansion of the industry.

In addition, in the public results meeting, the company guides that capital expenditure is expected to reach US $900 million in 2024, mainly for the construction and development of overseas production bases. At present, the company has launched to major customers.TotojackpotNew audio products, and promote mass production in Vietnam and India at the same time, it is recommended to actively pay attention to the pace of capacity release of new headphones.