bestcryptogamesonandroid| Too many tourists Kyoto's traffic is overwhelmed


NowBestcryptogamesonandroidIt is not uncommon for Kyoto residents to wait for three or four fully loaded buses to get on. Even if you get in the car,BestcryptogamesonandroidThey are often unable to find seats, and not only other passengers but also large suitcases compete with them for space.

"I get a lot of complaints from locals about what I can do about public transport," said Koji Matsui, an independent and former deputy chief cabinet secretary. "the structure of Kyoto is that there is a lot of overlap between tourist attractions and the living areas of ordinary residents."

bestcryptogamesonandroid| Too many tourists Kyoto's traffic is overwhelmed

The capital, which has a total population of about 2.5 million, attracted nearly 32 million overnight tourists in 2023. The figure reflects a surge in foreign tourists mainly due to the weak yen, although Kyoto is also a major domestic tourist destination. Although some other cities around the world are also trying to solve the problem of excessive tourism, Kyoto faces different challenges because of its size and layout.

"I don't think people take buses frequently in places like Venice," said Jan-Dirk Schm ö cker, an associate professor at Kyoto University who specializes in urban management and public transport. "the situation in European cities is slightly different. There are usually beautiful old cities where people walk. But here, there is a distance between different scenic spots. "

Kyoto has 17 UNESCO World Heritage sites and famous scenic spots such as Lanshan Bamboo Forest, which is about 14 times the size of Manhattan, so it is very difficult to walk from one scenic spot to another. In addition, compared with metropolises such as Tokyo, where tourists can be more dispersed, the ancient capital is smaller.

Because Kyoto has only two subway lines and does not directly pass through scenic spots such as Golden Pavilion, most people in Kyoto take buses. However, the railway is not much better-the JR towering wild line that people take to Lanshan is often overcrowded.

Azusa Takemura, a 23-year-old employee of Metropole Hotel, said that although the tourism boom means more bonuses for employees, the government should take measures to crack down on excessive tourism rather than just focusing on economic benefits.

Beijing has tried a variety of solutions, such as suspending the sale of one-day bus passes so that tourists will choose to take the train. Another unusual idea is to put statues of ninjas at the end of the train platform to attract tourists to less crowded carriages.

At present, Kyoto is focusing on reforms, such as the addition of new ticket gates at the main railway station, the promotion of cycling and walking, off-peak sightseeing, and the use of lockers or baggage delivery services to tourists. Seiji Matsui will also open fast buses with higher fares than ordinary buses from June, only to tourist attractions and no parking at other stations.

Mr. Matsui said that ideally, he hopes tourists can explore some non-mainstream attractions and stay in Kyoto for longer to reduce congestion. But because Kyoto is famous for its bamboo groves and the Red Bird House of the Fuji Inamada Society, which have further increased its popularity with the influx of foreign celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Neil Patrick Harris, his wish may not be easy to achieve.

These scenic spots are famous for a reason, but on the other hand, they are actually self-reinforcing. Because a lot of people go, more people will go, "said Smook of Kyoto University." trying to break this feedback loop should be the real goal. "

In the end, the new mayor said he did not want Kyoto to be a place where citizens did not want foreigners to come again, as demonstrated by anti-tourism protests in some European cities.

"it is very important for the general public to understand the significance and benefits of tourists coming to Kyoto," Mr. Matsui said. "We cannot allow hatred towards tourists to spread among the citizens."