ddrcabinet| Toyota China: BYD hybrid technology may not involve cooperation, PHEV technology progress will be announced


Newsletter summary

Toyota China clarifies rumors of cooperation with BYDDdrcabinetConfirm that the two sides have cooperation mainly in the field of BEVDdrcabinetNew developments will be made in PHEV technology.

ddrcabinet| Toyota China: BYD hybrid technology may not involve cooperation, PHEV technology progress will be announced

Text of news flash

[Toyota and BYD (002594) cooperate to focus on pure electric vehicles, new developments in PHEV technology will be announced soon] May 10, in response to market rumors that "Toyota will adopt BYD hybrid technology and abandon the original Hybrid system", Toyota China made it clear that the current cooperation with BYD is mainly concentrated in the field of pure electric vehicles (BEV) and has not been extended to other technical areas. In terms of plug-in hybrid (PHEV) technology, Toyota said it would announce the latest technological developments soon. This statement undoubtedly provides investors with new concerns, especially in the growing market of new energy vehicles. The close cooperation between Toyota and BYD, as well as new developments in PHEV technology, will undoubtedly have an important impact on investors in the secondary market. Investors can pay close attention to the cooperation between Toyota and BYD, as well as the latest development of PHEV technology, in order to seize the investment opportunities in the new energy vehicle market.