castlevaniaarcade|建滔系今日走高 建滔集团涨超10%建滔积层板涨超4%


castlevaniaarcade|建滔系今日走高 建滔集团涨超10%建滔积层板涨超4%

Jianxing Group is higher todaycastlevaniaarcade, Kingboard Group (00148) rose 10castlevaniaarcade.26%castlevaniaarcade, report 20castlevaniaarcade20 Hong Kong dollars; Kingboard Laminates (01888) rose 4.01% to HK$7.53.

Guotai Junan pointed out that the turning point in the performance of the leading copper clad laminate industry first appeared, the production capacity rate continued to increase, AI servers drove demand for high-frequency and high-speed boards, and the profitability of the leading CCL industry is expected to continue to improve in the future. However, the excess capacity of small and medium-sized factories still needs to be digested, and the rise in copper prices is expected to accelerate the de-production capacity.