crashbandicootunblocked| Di 'a Shares Huang Shuirong: Crossing the industry cycle and writing corporate legends in the name of true love


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Di 'a Shares Huang Shuirong: Crossing the industry cyclecrashbandicootunblockedWriting a corporate legend in the name of true love Securities Times News, Di 'a shares, a jewelry brand with' love for one person for a lifetime 'as its core value, has not only established a deep emotional connection among consumers with its unique market positioning, but also incrashbandicootunblocked...

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Dia shares Huang Shuirong: through the industry cycle, writing corporate legends in the name of true love, Dia shares, a jewelry brand with the core values of "loving one person with a lifetime", not only established a deep emotional connection among consumers with its unique market positioning, but also showed strong vitality in the continuous industry reshuffle and economic pressure. After the release of the 2023 annual report, we conducted an in-depth interview with Mr. Bill, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Dia, to uncover the story of how the company persisted in the brand's original intention and went through the cycle in the challenge. Under the background of fierce competition in the jewelry market and pressure on the industry as a whole, Dia shares still adhere to its core brand concept of "only one person in life". It not only established a unique brand image among consumers, but also showed extraordinary resilience and foresight in the trough of the industry. Through an in-depth dialogue with Mr. Huang Shuirong, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Dia, this article will explore how Dia uses its core values to overcome cyclical challenges and the future development strategy of its brand. The DR brand of Dia shares is unique in the jewelry market because of its strong value proposition. The brand concept of "loving one person with a lifetime" is not only the pursuit of true love, but also the concrete embodiment of each consumer's commitment to love. Mr. Huang Shuirong explained: "this concept stems from the founder's deep understanding and demand for true love, and it is also the universal and eternal emotional demand of human beings." Our goal is to make DR the leading global brand for 'expressions of love'. " In terms of specific strategy, the DR brand is not limited to the traditional diamond ring market, but revolves around the "expression of love" needs of users, launching a full life cycle of products and services ranging from love to marriage proposal, marriage to anniversaries. "We are developing the proposal planning business and testing the gift expression business for married groups such as wedding anniversaries, hoping to meet the emotional expression needs of different people in different stages of life." Huang Shuirong tells the story. In addition, the comparison object of DR is the world-famous lifestyle brand Lululemon, which has successfully expanded from a single product line to omni-directional sports product coverage, forming a brand ecology of the whole life scene. "like Lululemon, we hope that DR is not only the choice of jewelry, but also the best choice for the strongest scene of 'proposal', but also an attitude brand that can extend to all important moments and situations of true love." In the face of cyclical fluctuations in the industry and the pressure of the market environment, Dia shares showed excellent strategic determination. "lurking like a crocodile, biding your time." Huang Shuirong vividly described the company's competitive strategy. In order to strengthen the brand and optimize the channel, Dia continues to upgrade the brand and optimize the store, and focus on improving the design and process level of the product. "We work with the world's top designers to continuously launch highly identifiable new products to enhance user experience and brand value." Looking to the future, Dia shares plans to further deepen the "expression of love" in different scenarios of user needs, through high-quality products and innovative services to meet the growing diverse needs of users. The company has accumulated more than 1.75 million purchased users, nearly 4.5 million private domain members and more than 30 million new media fans. How to activate this user group will bring us great opportunities. In the future, DR needs to focus on the needs of different scenarios of "expression of love" from the perspective of users, and to think about how to help users achieve the expression of love "from one person to life" will be the direction and goal of our continuous efforts. We hope that DR represents a brand of "love" lifestyle that people pursue true love. Positive response to the capital market, dividend policy returns to shareholders in recent years, Dia shares in the capital market has experienced certain share price fluctuations. In this regard, Mr. Huang Shuirong explained: "the listing time of Dia coincides with the rising period of the capital market, coupled with the rapid growth of our business, the market has high expectations for us. However, due to changes in the external environment, the stock price has undergone adjustment. On the issue of share buybacks, as our current shareholding ratio of public shareholders has just met the minimum standard, if we carry out a repurchase, it will violate the relevant regulations, so we need to consider it carefully. " With regard to the company's dividend policy, Mr. Huang Shuirong stressed Dia's consistent principle of sound financial management: "our dividend policy has always been stable, and despite market fluctuations, Diaz has always maintained a good cash flow and low debt ratio. We believe that it is our responsibility to give back to shareholders through dividends, while also helping to attract and maintain long-term capital support. " Maintaining a certain percentage of undistributed profits reflects a focus on shareholders and confidence in the company's good financial health, he added. In the face of the voice in the market about the singleness of the product, Mr. Huang Shuirong explained: "Dia's DR brand ploughs into the diamond field based on our adherence to the core value of 'only one person in your life'. Although diamonds are our main product, we are also actively exploring other materials of jewelry, such as gold, to enrich our product line while maintaining the core values of the brand. " When it comes to the market competition between nurtured diamonds and natural diamonds, Mr. Huang Shuirong believes that both will coexist: "cultivated diamonds meet part of the market demand with their cost advantage, while natural diamonds are still favored by the high-end market because of their uniqueness and scarcity. We believe that there are diversified needs in the market and Dia will continue to provide high-quality natural diamond products that meet consumer expectations. " As for the future of Dia shares, Mr. Huang Shuirong said: "We will continue to deepen the brand proposition of giving only one person in a lifetime, seeking breakthroughs not only in product innovation, but also in market expansion and technology application. For example, we are exploring the use of blockchain technology to ensure product uniqueness and traceability, which will further strengthen our market position. " Through continuous brand innovation and strategic adjustment, Dia shares has maintained its uniqueness and foresight in the competition in the jewelry industry. Under the dual challenges of the market and the environment, Dia shows how an enterprise can grow in the challenge and win the future with its deeply rooted brand concept and flexible marketing strategy. The story of Dia shares is not only a story about jewelry, but also a love story about giving every "only promise of love", but also about how to convey true love and beautiful promises in a global market. connect every heart that seeks true feelings. (Wen Sui) proofreading: Zhu Tianting

crashbandicootunblocked| Di 'a Shares Huang Shuirong: Crossing the industry cycle and writing corporate legends in the name of true love