SafariSpinSafari| The third phase of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund was established: registered capital of 344 billion yuan, and the price of Technology ETF (515000) rose 0.47% in the afternoon


News summary

The third phase of the National Fund was established with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan, which promoted the rebound of the semiconductor industry chain. The Technology ETF (515000) became popular in the afternoon, and the on-site premium was high, indicating that funds were involved. The third phase of large funds may focus on investing in high-value-added DRAM chips such as HBM, focusing on the configuration of technology ETFs.

Newsletter text

The news of the establishment of the third phase of the National Fund stimulated a rebound in the semiconductor industry chain across the board. In the afternoon, the market reacted strongly. Jacques Technology rose by more than 5%, Northern Huachuang rose by more than 4%, and CITIC International and Anke Innovation also exceeded 3%SafariSpinSafariincrease.

The technology ETF (515000) rose sharply in the afternoon, with real-time turnover exceeding 45 million yuan. The on-site premium continued, indicating that a large amount of funds was involved.

According to Tianyan App, the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase III Co., Ltd. has been established with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan and is jointly held by 19 shareholders including the Ministry of Finance and China Development Finance.

SafariSpinSafari| The third phase of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund was established: registered capital of 344 billion yuan, and the price of Technology ETF (515000) rose 0.47% in the afternoon

The analysis pointed out that the third phase of the large fund may list high-value-added DRAM chips such as HBM as key investment targets, while focusing on key areas such as artificial intelligence chips, advanced semiconductor equipment and materials.

AVIC Securities recommends focusing on the Technology ETF (515000) as a configuration tool, which tracks the China Securities Technology Leading Index and covers 50 large-scale, high-market share and strong growth listed companies in the fields of electronics, computers, communications, biotechnology, etc.