burgertime| Direct visit to the Guizhou Liquor Roundtable| Yan Xijun: Use digital intelligence technology to promote the transformation and upgrading of the liquor industry


Direct attack on Guizhou Liquor Roundtable

Text | Yue Zhizhong

From May 26th to 27th, the 2024 round table on the development of Guizhou liquor enterprises was held with the theme of "maintaining integrity, innovating and jointly protecting Guizhou liquor brands and strengthening superior industrial clusters".

At the meeting, Yan Xijun, chairman of Tianshili Mathematical Intelligence Health Industry Group, lifelong honorary chairman of Guotai Wine Group, and general division of innovative productivity, made a speech on the theme of "Digital Intelligence Taiwan opens a new chapter and creates a new famous Chinese wine".

Yan Xijun believes that compared with previous times, the current round of adjustment of the industry is more structural and changeable, and its impact is more profound and long-term, so we need to study and judge carefully, deal with it scientifically, and further grasp the logic of development, converge the driving force of development, and innovate the development model.

In Yan Xijun's view, macroeconomic, political, social, and scientific and technological changes at home and abroad have led to changes in consumption structure and consumption capacity, forcing changes in the industrial structure. From the perspective of industry and sauce flavor category, there are mainly the following characteristics and trends.Burgertime:

First, the industry has changed from "both volume and price" to "volume reduction and price rise", and then to "both volume and price decline". Under the background of stock competition, the head famous wine enterprises have more comprehensive advantages, and the degree of concentration is further strengthened.

Second, the industry is hot at both ends and cold in the middle, and the differentiation is relatively obvious.

burgertime| Direct visit to the Guizhou Liquor Roundtable| Yan Xijun: Use digital intelligence technology to promote the transformation and upgrading of the liquor industry

Third, the choice of consumers has become the key to the development of wine enterprises.

Fourth, in the new commercial era, dealers and terminals are the direct decision-makers, and consumers are the final decision-makers. Centering on the questions of "Why do consumers drink our wine, why do terminals push our wine, and why do dealers sell our wine?" in the six aspects of good quality, good brand, good performance-to-price ratio, good channel, good service, and good reputation, unremitting efforts are not only a long-term plan, but also a top priority.

Fifth, Guizhou is the country of origin and the main producing areas, the current economic and industrial environment, multi-producing areas, pan-producing areas are not the dilution of the main producing areas, it is more conducive to highlight the scarce value of the main producing areas.

Sixth, the current round of industry adjustment, the first to enter is soy sauce, the most affected is also soy sauce, and the most severely rolled is soy sauce and wine. Under the stock competition, the intensity of competition will not decrease in the short term, and large market investment is the norm.

Seventh, soy sauce still has relative category advantages, establishing quality advantages, focusing on channel terminals, ploughing the market and tamping the market foundation are the main tasks.

These new structural changes, new characteristics and new trends require systematic thinking, overall planning and scientific response in the industry. In this regard, Yan Xijun believes that we should focus on three directions:

First, focus on the development of kinetic energy reconstruction. Jump out of the inner thinking and framework, tap the demand contractility from the supply side to the demand side by increasing consumer cultivation, product innovation, brand innovation, restructuring channel interests, multi-dimensional value empowerment, digital change, etc., promote power transformation, and respond to industry adjustment with innovation.

The second is to focus on the transformation of growth mode. Conventional channels, play a good terminal construction war with B as the core; group purchase channels, play a good community marketing war with C as the core; online channels, play a good operation transformation war with users as the core. Promote growth with the depth, density and activity of brands, profits and channel terminals.

Third, focus on industrial transformation and upgrading. Liquor is a traditional industry, with profound historical accumulation and mature process system. At the same time, it is also faced with the problem of strategic constraints that limit the development of the industry. It is necessary to take scientific and technological innovation as the lead and install a "numerical intelligence engine" to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, so that traditional industries can coruscate new vitality.

Yan Xijun said: to implement the requirements of the central government and the Guizhou provincial party committee and provincial government, take the road of new industrialization, endow traditional industries with mathematical intelligence, cultivate new productive forces, and continue to do a good job in the three major events of "making good wine, drinking good wine, and drinking good wine." In recent years, we have put forward the enterprise proposition and action of "Mathematical Intelligence to open a new chapter, to create a new famous Chinese wine, to brew good wine, to drink good wine, to drink good wine, and to have a new experience of fine wine in Mathematical Intelligence."

First of all, to brew good wine is to make good wine. There are four core methods and paths of Guotai intelligent brewing: the first is to analyze the tradition, the second is digital expression, the third is accurate reproduction, and the fourth is system innovation.

Secondly, the wine tastes good, which is to brew a good wine. Focus on four aspects: first, good quality, second, good drinking, third, good experience, and fourth, good culture.

Third, to drink good wine is to deepen the excavation of the connotation of the brand, tell the brand well with stories, manufacturers should be able to tell stories, the market should tell good stories, and upgrade the new experience scene of Mathematical Wine.

Yan Xijun said that the opening of a new chapter by Mathematical Intelligence Taiwan is mainly in the following directions:

New development paradigm: technology-driven, mathematical intelligence empowerment, innovation and communication, relying on and background of intelligent brewing, to create a new paradigm of high-tech, high-efficiency, high-efficiency and green development.

New mode of production: promote the reform of the mode of production, continuously strengthen the intelligent brewing advantages of "intelligence + standardization + digital intelligence" of high-end intensive, green and low-carbon, ecological and environmental protection, and promote the transformation and promotion of the industry.

New marketing model: upgrade the new mode of digital intelligence operation of the whole industry chain and the whole value chain with the consumer as the center. Digital intelligence through the product building, brand planning, market empowerment, channel construction, terminal development, user training, manufacturer-end consumer communication and other global links, marketing system upgrading.

New cooperation mechanism: on the basis of co-creation, sharing and win-win, innovative management, service, implementation, evaluation, incentive, efficient management and service system, and benefit-sharing system, so that consumers are willing to buy, terminals are willing to push, and dealers are willing to sell.

Yan Xijun suggested that we should adhere to the "big Maotai concept", continue to strengthen the construction of the core producing areas of Maotai town, jointly maintain Maotai, learn Maotai and learn a good example of famous wine, strengthen industrial clusters, enhance the brand of producing areas, and empower the development of enterprises.