coralpoker| What should I do if multiple repairs are not resolved during the warranty period?


When buying a new car, consumers usually pay attention to the vehiclecoralpokerThe quality assurance policy is to ensure free maintenance services within a certain period of time. However, when a vehicle has multiple repairs during the warranty period and the problem remains unresolved, how should consumers properly handle this situation? Here are some professional suggestions and steps to help car owners defend their rights in this situation.

1coralpoker. Record maintenance history in detail

First of all, the owner should record in detail the date, repair content, replaced parts and repair results of each repair. These records will serve as an important basis for handling follow-up issues. Use tables to clearly present this information, as follows:

Date Repair content Replacement results 2023-01-15 Engine abnormal sound timing belt problem remains 2023-02-20 Engine abnormal sound piston ring problem remains

2coralpoker. Communicate with dealers or manufacturers

After multiple repairs fail to solve the problem, the owner should take the initiative to contact the dealer or customer service department of the automobile manufacturer at the time of purchase to explain the situation and provide maintenance records. You should remain calm and professional when communicating, and clearly express your demands, that is, you hope that the problem will be fundamentally solved.

coralpoker| What should I do if multiple repairs are not resolved during the warranty period?

3. Seek third-party evaluation

If the dealer or manufacturer fails to provide a satisfactory solution, car owners may consider seeking evaluation from a third-party professional agency. These agencies can provide independent technical analysis to help determine the root cause of the problem and may provide more impartial recommendations for solutions.

4. legal channels

As a last resort, if all itscoralpokerHe cannot solve the problem through any means, and car owners can consider protecting their rights and interests through legal channels. This may include but is not limited to the application of relevant laws such as the Consumer Rights Protection Law and the Product Quality Law. In this process, previous maintenance records and third-party evaluation reports will become important evidence.

In short, when the vehicle has not been resolved after multiple repairs during the warranty period, the owner should maintain the integrity of the record, actively communicate with the dealer or manufacturer, and seek third-party evaluation or legal help if necessary. Through these steps, car owners can more effectively protect their rights and interests and ensure that vehicle problems are properly resolved.