doublezeroroulettewheel| The spot price of rapeseed meal rose by 30 yuan to 2880 yuan/ton: the oil plant shut down in June may cause the operating rate to drop


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[The spot price of rapeseed meal has risen sharplydoublezeroroulettewheel, the market competition is fierce]

News came from the market today that the spot market of rapeseed meal showed an upward trend in prices. The average price in major producing areas across the country reached 2880 yuan/ton, an increase of 30 yuan/ton from yesterday.

Market dynamics showed that although rapeseed meal futures were volatile, the overall trend was strong, and closed with a significant increase at the end of the transaction.

doublezeroroulettewheel| The spot price of rapeseed meal rose by 30 yuan to 2880 yuan/ton: the oil plant shut down in June may cause the operating rate to drop

The spot trading situation is okay, and most downstream buyers continue to purchase on demand, maintaining the stability of demand. In addition, some oil plants announced shutdown plans for June, indicating that the operating rate of the oil plant may weaken in the future.