megawaysgames| China's nuclear power plans to invest more than 121.5 billion yuan in annual investment, record high revenue increased by 3.2 times in 9 years, and investment nearly 10 billion yuan in photovoltaic projects started


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Source: Changjiang Business Daily

Huang Cong, reporter of Changjiang Business Daily.

As a nuclear power giant in China, China's nuclear power is constantly expanding its scale, helping our country to speed up the construction of a new energy system.

On the evening of May 19, China Nuclear Power (601985)MegawaysgamesSH) issued an announcement showing that the 2 million kilowatt beach photovoltaic demonstration project in China Nuclear Tian Wan under the company's flag (Jin Kirin analyst) officially started on the same day, with a total investment of about 9.88 billion yuan.

According to China Nuclear Power, when the above project is fully completed, it will be coupled with the Jiangsu Tianwan nuclear power base managed by the company to form a large-scale clean energy base with a total installed capacity of more than 10 million kilowatts.

A reporter from the Changjiang Economic Daily found that in the nine years since China's nuclear power went public, its operating income has increased by about 3.2 times.

Moreover, the total investment plan of China Nuclear Power in 2024 is 121.553 billion yuan, the largest in the company's history. The funds are mainly used for nuclear power, nuclear energy multi-purpose, new energy, individual fixed asset investment projects and shareholding capital injection and acquisition projects.

The net profit increased 1.8 times after 9 years of listing.

In June 2015, China Nuclear Power entered the A-share market, and the company's performance continued to grow after listing.

Data show that China's nuclear power is based on the requirements of "three new and one high", combined with the national goal of "double carbon", to create an "industrial economic upgrading project" and vigorously develop three major industries, such as nuclear energy, non-nuclear clean energy, and strategic emerging industries. to create five business sectors: nuclear power generation, multi-purpose utilization of nuclear energy, nuclear power technical services, non-nuclear clean energy, and strategic emerging clean technology.

In 2015, China's nuclear power revenue reached 26.202 billion yuan, an increase of 39.37% over the same period last year.MegawaysgamesThe net profit reached 3.781 billion yuan, an increase of 52.98% over the same period last year.

The operating income of China Nuclear Power reached 30.009 billion yuan in 2016, an increase of 14.53 percent over the same period last year, breaking the 30 billion yuan mark for the first time, while net profit reached 4.489 billion yuan, an increase of 18.71 percent over the same period last year.

From 2019 to 2021, China's nuclear power performance showed a "triple jump", with operating income of 47.261 billion yuan, 52.276 billion yuan and 62.367 billion yuan respectively, an increase of 17.20%, 10.61% and 19.30% respectively over the same period last year, and net profits of 4.758 billion yuan, 5.995 billion yuan and 8.038 billion yuan respectively, up 0.44%, 26.02% and 34.07% respectively.

In 2022, China's nuclear power "went up again", with operating income of 71.286 billion yuan, an increase of 13.70% over the same period last year, and net profit of 9.01 billion yuan, up 9.66% from the same period last year.

In 2023, China's nuclear power was steady, with operating income of 74.957 billion yuan, an increase of 5.15 percent over the same period last year, and net profit of 10.624 billion yuan, an increase of 17.91 percent over the same period last year.

Taken together, in the nine years since China's nuclear power went public from 2015 to 2023, operating income has increased by about 3.2 times and net profit by about 1.8 times.

Specifically, in 2023, in terms of nuclear power generation, China Nuclear Power holding Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. has 25 nuclear power units in safe and stable operation, 4 million kilowatt nuclear power projects were approved in 2023, and all 15 units approved and under construction are carried out in an orderly manner as planned.

In terms of new energy power generation, China's nuclear power increased by nearly 6 million kilowatts in 2023, accounting for more than 10 percent of the total electricity generation, making a historic leap forward.

In terms of strategic emerging industries, China Nuclear Power further optimizes and adjusts the focus of industrial development, and sets up China Nuclear Optoelectronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. to accelerate the development and application of perovskite batteries. A special promotion group for isotopes and new energy storage has been set up and phased results have been achieved.

In terms of multi-purpose utilization of nuclear energy, the Tianwan nuclear power steam supply project, China's first industrial nuclear power supply project, has been successfully completed, providing a green solution for China's petrochemical industry to break down energy consumption trade barriers in the international market.

In terms of technical services, China Nuclear Power has set up China Nuclear Operation and maintenance Technology Co., Ltd., which integrates the operation and maintenance practice and technical capabilities of China's nuclear power units to build a Chinese nuclear power technical service brand.

The amount of investment plan increases by 41.5 billion.

As a nuclear power giant in China, the scale of China's nuclear power is expanding day by day, and the pace of investment is accelerating.

As of December 31, 2023, China Nuclear Power Holdings has 25 nuclear power units in operation, with an installed capacity of 23.75 million kilowatts, and 15 units under construction and approved to be built, with an installed capacity of 17.565 million kilowatts, with a total installed capacity of 41.315 million kilowatts.

At the same time, China Nuclear Power holding New Energy scenery has an installed capacity of 18.5159 million kilowatts, including 5.9515 million kilowatts of wind power and 12.5644 million kilowatts of photovoltaic, and another holding of 651000 kilowatts of independent energy storage power stations; and 9.7275 million kilowatts of new energy projects under construction, of which 2.7548 million kilowatts of wind power and 6.997 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power stations are under construction.

On the evening of May 19th, China Nuclear Power announced that the company's 2 million kilowatt beach photovoltaic demonstration project had officially started on the same day.

It is understood that the total investment of the 2 million kilowatt beach photovoltaic demonstration project in China Nuclear Tianwan is about 9.88 billion yuan, supporting the construction of 200000 kilowatt / 400000 kilowatt-hour energy storage projects. The owner of the project is CNNC Jiangsu New Energy Co., Ltd.

According to China Nuclear Power, when the above project is fully completed, it will be coupled with the Jiangsu Tianwan nuclear power base managed by the company to form a large-scale clean energy base with a total installed capacity of more than 10 million kilowatts.

Recently, China Nuclear Power issued an announcement showing that according to the company's development plan and 2024 business plan, the company's total investment plan for 2024 is 121.553 billion yuan. It is mainly used for nuclear power, nuclear energy multi-purpose, new energy, individual fixed asset investment projects and shareholding capital injection, acquisition projects and so on.

A reporter from the Yangtze River Business Daily found that China Nuclear Power's investment plan in 2024 is the largest in the company's history, with investment plans of 30.88 billion yuan, 33.913 billion yuan, 50.629 billion yuan and 80.017 billion yuan respectively from 2020 to 2023, showing a trend of increasing year by year. and the latest plan increased by about 41.5 billion yuan year on year, more than the total in 2020 and 2021.

According to the 14th five-year Plan for the development of China's nuclear power new energy industry, new energy is planned to have a capacity of 30 million kilowatts by the end of 2025.

megawaysgames| China's nuclear power plans to invest more than 121.5 billion yuan in annual investment, record high revenue increased by 3.2 times in 9 years, and investment nearly 10 billion yuan in photovoltaic projects started

Yu Jianfeng, chairman of CNNC, said that the green and low-carbon transformation of energy is not only an important part of building new productivity, but also an engine to promote the upgrading of traditional industries. Nuclear energy is a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy. Promoting scientific and technological innovation in nuclear energy and developing nuclear energy in a positive, safe and orderly manner is an important way to promote the energy revolution, ensure energy security, and speed up the construction of a new energy system.