roulettegame| Guangzhou will build 5 general airports to plan and layout high-speed magnetic levitation channels


Source: new KuaiBao

The latest traffic construction drawing in Guangzhou has been released. May seventeenthRoulettegameGuangzhou Comprehensive three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning (2023-2035) (hereinafter referred to as "Planning") issued by the General Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government was announced on the official website of Guangzhou Municipal Government. The Plan combs the future situation and transport demand, defines the development goals, and puts forward key tasks such as comprehensive three-dimensional traffic layout, integrated portal hub, urban transport network, traffic integration and high-quality development.

The Plan proposes that Guangzhou will plan and build five general-purpose airports in Panyu, Zengcheng, Nansha, Conghua, Huangpu and other places. At the same time, planning and itsRoulettegameThe layout and experimental line construction of high-speed maglev channels between super-large cities.

Classification and Planning of Comprehensive Transportation Hub in Guangzhou

International integrated transportation hub: Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Guangzhou Port Nansha Port area (including Nansha Port Logistics Base), Nansha International Cruise Port, Guangzhou International Port, Guangzhou East Highway and Rail Transport Hub.

National integrated transportation hub: Guangzhou Port Huangpu Port area, Guangzhou Port Xinsha Port area, Guangzhou South Station, Guangzhou East Station, Guangzhou Baiyun Station, Guangzhou North Station, Huangpu (Yuzhu) Station, Xintang Station, Nansha Station, Zengcheng Station, Qingsheng Station, Conghua Station, knowledge City Station, Baiyun International Airport T3 Station, Foshan West Station, Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport.

Key words: development goals

Realize the "12312" travel traffic circle

The Plan points out that an integrated three-dimensional transportation network in Guangzhou has been initially completed. By the end of 2023, the total mileage of the city's integrated three-dimensional transportation network has exceeded 1.Roulettegame.60, 000 km, of which 1261 km are tracks and about 1.Roulettegame. 40, 000 kilometers, 1481 kilometers of waterway, built a network of transport infrastructure matched with mega-cities.

However, the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development of transportation in Guangzhou still exists. For example, the capacity of the comprehensive transport corridor needs to be enhanced, the northbound corridor to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region tends to be saturated, the northwestward railway channel to the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration is single, and the eastward high-standard direct high-speed rail corridor in the Yangtze River Delta has not yet been completed. The accessibility and frequency of the transportation network need to be further improved, and the number of international destinations of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport is on the low side.

With the integrated development of the Greater Bay area and the diversification of residents' travel demand, passenger travel continues to grow. Guangzhou's passenger travel volume is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 3.6% by 2035, with a total of 56 million passenger trips per day, including about 48 million passenger trips per day within the city. The overall distribution shows "internal slow increase, external sharp increase" and "vertical axis enhancement, horizontal axis appearance" (Guangzhou proposed to construct the spatial structure of "one belt, one axis, three nuclei and four poles" in the new period).

To this end, the "Plan" requires the expansion of capacity and efficiency, and the promotion of high-level comprehensive three-dimensional traffic layout. Plan Guangzhou's "ten-way, four-link, one-ring, two-vertical and three-horizontal" comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network to create a multi-layer integrated transportation hub system. By 2035, the city's comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network will have a total size of about 20, 000 km, including 2200 km of tracks, 15000 km of roads and 1500 km of waterways.

The Plan makes it clear that Guangzhou will build a four-level classified comprehensive transportation hub system for international, national, regional and urban services. build five international integrated transport hubs, 17 national comprehensive transport hubs and a number of regional and urban hubs.

From the overall goal, by 2035, the "12312" travel traffic circle will be realized, that is, one hour access to major cities of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, two hours to eastern, western and northern Guangdong, three hours to major cities in China and Southeast Asia, and about 12 hours to major cities around the world.

Key words: aviation hub

Planning and construction of five general-purpose airports

As a "top hub", Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport has built two terminals and three runways, and the third phase of the expansion project is under construction. It has handled 63.17 million passengers in 2023, ranking first in the country for four consecutive years. The Plan proposes to continue to upgrade the hub energy level of Baiyun International Airport by building three terminals and five runways, with a capacity of 120 million passengers and 3.8 million tons of cargo and postal services by 2030.

In terms of airport planning, the Plan mentions the need to speed up the construction of the Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport and promote cooperation with Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to build Guangzhou International Aviation Hub. We will plan and build five general airports, including Panyu, Zengcheng, Nansha, Conghua and Huangpu, comprehensively promote the layout of helicopter take-off and landing sites, gradually improve the planning and construction of supporting facilities such as flight service stations, and enhance the capability of low-altitude flight service support system. build an urban low-altitude flight service network.

What is worth paying attention to is that the Planning strengthens and promotes the deep integration of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport with various modes of transportation. Combined with the new Baiyun International Airport T3 high-speed railway station of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, the T4 terminal and special track of Guangzhou North Station are planned to be reserved. Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and Guangzhou North Railway Station and other railway hubs will become a model for the integrated development of air-rail intermodal transport. It is planned to introduce "6 high-speed railways + 5 intercity + 2 subways + 1 special track". One special track is the special track from Guangzhou North Station to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport.

Key words: railway passage

Advanced planning of high-speed maglev channel layout

At present, the layout of Guangzhou railway hub is "five main and four auxiliary multi-nodes". The five main stations are Guangzhou Station, Guangzhou East Station, Guangzhou South Station, Guangzhou Baiyun Station and Foshan West Station; the four auxiliary stations are Guangzhou North Station, Huangpu (Yuzhu) Station, Xintang Station and Nansha Station. On this basis, the Plan proposes to upgrade and transform Guangzhou Station, Guangzhou East Railway Station and Guangzhou North Railway Station, promote the planning and construction of Nansha Station with high standards, and build new Huangpu (Yuzhu) Station, knowledge City Station and Conghua Station. The coverage of high-speed railway district-level nodes will reach 83% by 2025 and 100% by 2035. We will speed up the construction of lines such as the liaison line from Guangzhou Station to Guangzhou South Station, Line 5 and 6 from Guangzhou East Station to Xintang Station, and Line 3 and 4 from Guangzhou Station to Guangzhou East Station, so as to enhance the capacity of railway channels for the introduction of urban centers and strengthen hub interconnection.

roulettegame| Guangzhou will build 5 general airports to plan and layout high-speed magnetic levitation channels

The "Plan" proposes to strengthen the construction of railway channels, smooth the "extending in all directions" high-speed rail channels, promote the formation of ten out-of-provincial high-speed rail channels, and strengthen the support service capacity of the main framework of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network. Increase the link efficiency between Guangzhou and Chengdu-Chongqing; add Guangzhou-River high-speed rail to increase the high-speed rail link between Guangzhou and the Yangtze River Delta; actively plan to expand the capacity of high-speed rail corridor between Guangzhou and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei direction; speed up the construction of Guangzhou-Zhan high-speed rail and strengthen the link between Guangzhou and central Yunnan; and add new Guangzhou-Zhuhai (Macao) high-speed rail and Guangzhou-Shenzhen high-speed rail links to strengthen Guangzhou's links with Zhuhai, Macao, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

The "Plan" also proposes to plan ahead the layout of high-speed maglev channels and the construction of experimental lines between Guangzhou and other super-large cities. Achieve one-hour mutual access with the city centers of the Great Bay area, 2 hours with provincial cities, 3 hours with neighboring provincial capitals, and 5-8 hours with major cities of national urban agglomeration.

Key words: rail transit

Realize the public transportation of track operation service

The "Plan" proposes to build a multi-network integrated rail network, strengthen interconnection with surrounding cities, and create an one-hour traffic circle in the Greater Bay area with Guangzhou as the center. How to build it? Specifically, it is to build a multi-level rail transit system with the deep integration of inter-city railway, urban rail transit express line A, urban rail transit express line B and urban rail transit general line, and actively promote the landing of the fourth phase of urban rail transit construction planning project. we will strive to build a 1000 km urban rail network by 2035.

Cooperate with inter-city railway to build a more efficient urban rail express line A. Strengthen the track connection with Foshan, Zhongshan, Dongguan, Shenzhen, Qingyuan, Huizhou and other cities, and promote the planning and construction of inter-city from Nansha to Zhuhai (Zhongshan) and Fosui city. According to the operation mode of "one network, one ticket, one string of cities", we will realize the public transportation of track operation services and promote the close ties between Guangzhou and the important groups of neighboring cities.

Build a more convenient urban rail express line B. We will speed up the construction of the eastern extension of Line 3, the second phase of Line 13 and the second phase of Line 14, and focus on promoting the third phase of urban rail transit construction planning and adjustment projects such as the northern extension and branch lines of Metro Line 8, so as to support the integrated development of Guangzhou city. to achieve rapid access from Nansha, the eastern center and peripheral comprehensive new towns to the central urban areas.

Key words: Nansha opening

Establish direct transport links with Hong Kong

As the main position and new engine for the high-quality development of Guangzhou, the Planning said that the level of traffic development in Nansha does not match the city's positioning, and a special section proposes to strengthen the function of the traffic center in Nansha Bay area. The Plan proposes to strengthen the function of the international shipping and logistics hub, promote the construction of a port-type national logistics hub in Guangzhou with Nansha Port as the core, and promote the construction of the fifth phase of Nansha Port and the international sea-rail intermodal transport wharf project in Nansha Port.

According to the Plan, a half-hour transportation circle will be built in the central Nansha area with direct access to the central areas of major cities, key platforms and major transportation hubs in the Great Bay area. Actively strive for the extension of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Railway to Nansha Station, establish a direct traffic link between the Nansha Hub and the South Zhaoshun Railway Line 22, strengthen the rapid connection with the east and west sides of the Pearl River, and form a high-speed railway and intercity railway network with Nansha Station and Qingsheng Station as the core and all-round external radiation. At the same time, we will deepen the linkage of flights between Nansha passenger Port, Pazhou Hong Kong-Macao passenger Port and Guangzhou-Hong Kong passenger Port, enhance the service level of "one-vote" connection and "one-card" service, and steadily promote the individual travel of yachts in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. We will support Nansha in carrying out future-oriented pilot projects of new transportation technologies and new services.

Improve the rapid and direct transportation system throughout the city. The Plan proposes to promote the planning and construction of the double-track of Guangzhou-Zhuhai (Macao) high-speed railway, Metro Line 22 and Line 4, and plan to study the extension of the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway from Guangzhou to Nansha, and form a multi-channel track layout with Guangzhou-Zhuhai (Macao) high-speed railway and Metro Line 18, so as to reach the city center in 30 minutes and reach all groups in the city area in one hour.

In terms of the internal transportation network, we will improve the urban rail network in the area of "one link, seven shots and two contacts". The "first Ring" is the track ring of Line 15, which connects the key groups and important hubs in the central urban area of Nansha. "Seven shoots" includes seven rays such as Rail Transit Line 4, double Line 4, Line 18, Line 22, Line 31, Line 32, Line 38, and so on, strengthening the radiation capacity of the central urban area of Nansha to Qingsheng, the north, the south and the surrounding cities. The two contacts include track Line 26 and Line 33, supporting the group traffic links in the north of Nansha.

Collected and written: Huang Wenyu, reporter of New Express

Editor: Zhao Jingming