steamofcrypto| financial values| Guotai Junan: Earnest study and implement group standards to promote the in-depth and practical protection of the company's investors 'rights and interests


Source: Xinhuanet client

The two group standards of "Securities Company complaint handling Standard" and "Securities Company customer return visit Standard"SteamofcryptoIt is the requirement of the China Securities Industry Association to implement the Standardization Law and the Group Standards Management regulations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.SteamofcryptoConstantly enrich the form and content of self-regulatory documents, give full play to the complementary role of self-regulatory management to administrative supervision, and form an important practice of leading and standardizing. The release of these two standards will promote the further standardization of complaint handling and return visits of securities companies, provide guidance for the standardized development of complaint handling and return visits of securities companies, and provide reference models for solving some difficulties and puzzles in practical work, which is another vivid practice for the capital market to implement investor-oriented and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

Properly handling customer complaints is an important link for securities companies to improve the quality of customer service.

Guotai Junan Securities has always attached great importance to the timely and effective handling of complaints, following the three principles of first inquiry responsibility system, time-limited settlement system and service commitment system, by establishing and improving the internal system of complaint handling, clear the "three-in-one" work requirements of customer complaint handling, and clarify the closed-loop management requirements of the whole process of customer complaint handling by the first inquiry responsible unit. Promote the company's complaint management to achieve rapid response, standardized handling, strict procedures and responsibilities in place. The company also regularly carries out customer complaint analysis, and puts forward suggestions for improvement or improvement in view of customer high-frequency complaints and management loopholes and institutional problems reflected in complaint disputes, and carries out assessment and accountability according to the management and handling of customer complaints in various units of the company, so as to enhance the effectiveness of the company's complaint management.

Improving the customer return visit mechanism is an important channel for securities companies to maintain communication with customers.

steamofcrypto| financial values| Guotai Junan: Earnest study and implement group standards to promote the in-depth and practical protection of the company's investors 'rights and interests

Standardizing the return visit of customers will help to timely find and correct the non-standard behavior in the business activities of securities companies, smooth the channels of communication with customers, and facilitate listening to customers' opinions and suggestions. Guotai Junan Securities defines the responsibilities, project types and requirements of customer return visit through the formulation of internal return visit system and work guidelines, and guides branches to take different measures to deal with the return visit problems under different situations; combined with the actual work situation, effectively fulfill the responsibility of supervision and management and do a good job in follow-up disposal.

The release of the two group standards of complaint and return visit provides effective guidance for the further standardization and standardization of complaint and return visit work in the industry.

The two group standards of the China Securities Association "customer complaint Group Standard" and "customer return visit Group Standard" are the operation guidelines that run through all aspects of complaint handling and return visit operations of industry organizations. Starting from the actual work, the group standard strives to break through the difficulties in the actual work, further clarify the relevant concepts and clarify the work flow, so as to form a working standard that is beneficial to operation and easy to use, which is an excellent practice model for industry organizations to learn from. The company will study the two group standards issued by the association, strengthen the business training of relevant post managers and front-line staff, and further improve the business system and process related to company complaints and return visits with reference to group standards. "close" to the excellent industry model.

Guotai Junan Securities will continue to adhere to the political and popular nature of financial work, return to the origin of the industry, handle the relationship between functionality and profitability, and continue to handle customer complaints and return visits in a high-standard, standardized and scientific manner. we will continue to improve the quality of service and promote the protection of the rights and interests of the company's investors.