pennbattle36000hs| Shanghai Stock Connect reduced its holdings of 194 science and technology innovation board stocks in the previous trading day


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[Shanghai Stock Connect reduced its holdings of 194 Kechuang board stocks in the previous trading day] Securities Times Network NewsPennbattle36000hsScience and Technology Innovation Board shares were held by Shanghai Stock Connect. As of May 14, the total number of shares held was 16.Pennbattle36000hs. 5.6 billion shares, a decrease of 17.2981 million shares compared with the previous trading day, with a total market value of 76.518 billion yuan. Shanghai stock holding stock.

pennbattle36000hs| Shanghai Stock Connect reduced its holdings of 194 science and technology innovation board stocks in the previous trading day

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According to the Securities Times, Science and Technology Innovation Board shares were held by Shanghai Stock Connect. As of May 14, the total number of shares held by Shanghai Stock Connect was 1.656 billion shares, a decrease of 17.2981 million shares compared with the previous trading day, and the market value of the shares totaled 76.518 billion yuan. The science and technology board stock with the largest number of shares held by Shanghai Stock Exchange is Jingke Energy, which recently holds 188 million shares, followed by Hehui Optoelectronics and China General account. Shanghai Stock Exchange holds 107 million shares and 94.3216 million shares respectively. The top holdings in market capitalization are Voice Holdings, Jinshan Office, Stone Technology and so on, with a market value of 6.782 billion yuan, 5.66 billion yuan and 5.583 billion yuan respectively. Compared with the changes in the previous trading day, 112 shares were increased by the Shanghai Stock Connect. Jingke Energy's latest shareholding was 188 million shares, an increase of 1.2648 million shares compared with the previous trading day. Zhuhai Guanyu, Tianyue Advanced and Haiguang Information led the increase, increasing their holdings by 999300 shares, 655100 shares and 651900 shares respectively. The Shanghai Stock Connect reduced its holdings, with China General account, Oriental Biology, and Huihui Optoelectronics leading the reduction, with a reduction of 1.6658 million shares, 1.2221 million shares and 875600 shares respectively. According to the statistics of month-on-month changes, Xinfeng, Canqin Technology, and Fudan Zhangjiang led the increase, increasing their holdings by 92.57%, 46.36%, and 25.10%, respectively, while Narra, Xinan Century, and Haitian AAC led the reduction.