avetsx53.1| Yihualu passed the CMMI V3.0 Level 5 certification, the highest level in the world


News summary

[Yi Hualu passed CMMIV3avetsx53.1.0 Level 5, the highest level certification in the world] Securities Times e Company Newsavetsx53.1According to Yi Hualu,avetsx53.1Recently, after evaluation by international authoritative organizations, Yihualu passed the CMMI-DEV3 in the global software fieldavetsx53.1.0 version level 5 certification, becoming the first batch of domestic enterprises to pass the DEV3.0 version certification...

avetsx53.1| Yihualu passed the CMMI V3.0 Level 5 certification, the highest level in the world

Newsletter text

[Yihualu has passed the world's highest level CMMIV3.0 certification level 5] Securities Times e Company News, according to Yihualu, recently, after evaluation by international authoritative organizations, Yihualu has passed the CMMI-DEV 3.0 version 5 certification in the global software field, becoming one of the first companies in China to pass the DEV3.0 version certification. This is the third re-evaluation of Yihualu after obtaining CMMI-DEV 1.3 version level 5 certification for the first time in 2018 and CMMI-DEV 2.0 version level 5 certification in 2021. It marks Yihualu's integration in software technology research and development, project management capabilities, etc. Standards, reaching the international leading level, and being able to provide customers with higher-quality and more mature products and services.