

Source: Kevin Strategy Research


In just two weeks, the Hong Kong stock market has recovered since September last year.Wsopfreemegabonusspin2020The Hang Seng Index broke through 18000 points, leading the global market higher. The scale and speed of this rebound has greatly exceeded market expectations and aroused widespread concern, so what is the reason behind the surge? Why the recent large inflows of foreign capital? How much space and continuity are there? After a rise of nearly 13 per cent in just two weeks (Hang Seng Technology is up more than 18 per cent), how much room do Hong Kong stocks have?

First, why is the market soaring? Why does foreign capital inflow? The demand for rebalancing under fluctuations in external markets is most obvious in emerging markets and Asia with the exception of Japanese funds. Transactional capital return and short selling cover do account for a certain proportion, local and regional allocation funds also return, but it is difficult to confirm whether it is the main force. Some of the main positions are still in the Asia-Pacific region and emerging markets, and there is also a need for local and regional funds to rebalance their positions. By contrast, the re-inflow of long-term funds into the Chinese market from Europe and the United States often needs to see more signs of stabilizing fundamentals, not just because of external market fluctuations.

Second, how much room is there for the inflow of foreign capital? Regional rebalancing funds are more due to external fluctuations, while the return of more long-term funds needs to be based on improved fundamentals. 1) if all the sustained outflows since the first quarter of this year were returned, it would correspond to $4.9 billion, equivalent to 17 per cent of outflows from highs in 2021 and 26 per cent since 2023. 2) if the proportion of global funds allocated to the Chinese market returns to the standard allocation, it will bring an inflow of US $42.1 billion.

Third, how much room is left for Hong Kong stocks? Risk premium is the main contribution, short-term emotional overdraft; there may be 2-7% room for mood improvement alone. This round of market is mainly driven by the valuation pushed up by the capital side. Pass throughWsopfreemegabonusspin2020After the recent rapid rise, the short-term overdraft is obvious. 1) if the risk premium falls back to the levels seen in the middle of last year and the beginning of last year, it corresponds to about 2-7% of the space, respectively. 2) if the follow-up policy continues to make efforts, it will promote a profit growth of 10% in an optimistic situation, corresponding to an increase of about 20%.


How much room is left for Hong Kong stocks?

Hong Kong stocks rose strongly again during the May Day holiday this week, following last week's biggest weekly gain since October 2011. Among the major indexes, the Hang Seng Science and Technology Index led the rise of 6%.Wsopfreemegabonusspin2020.8%, the Hang Seng Index, Hang Seng State-owned Enterprises and MSCI China rose 4% respectively.Wsopfreemegabonusspin2020.7%, 4.4%, 3.9%. At the plate level, with the exception of energy (- 1.2%), raw materials (- 0.5%) and telecommunications services (- 0.3%), other sectors increased to varying degrees, with real estate (+ 12.2%), insurance (+ 6.4%) and media and entertainment (+ 5.2%) leading the rise. It is worth pointing out that in the absence of southbound funds during the May Day holiday in the second half of this week, Hong Kong stocks continued to rise, especially on Thursday, up 2.5% in a single day, and Hang Seng Technology rose 4.5%. This also shows that the rapid rise in the Hong Kong stock market is indeed driven by non-mainland funds, such as local funds and some foreign investors ("Prospect Analysis after Hong Kong stocks soar").

So why is there a large inflow of foreign capital recently? How much space and continuity are there? After a rise of nearly 13 per cent in just two weeks (Hang Seng Technology is up more than 18 per cent), how much room do Hong Kong stocks have? In view of the above issues of general concern to the market, we further analyze and answer them.

Chart: the overseas Chinese stock market rose as a whole last week

Chart: Hong Kong stocks outperform major global markets

Chart: real estate and insurance led gains, while energy and raw materials fell at the top.

First, why is the market soaring? Why does foreign capital inflow? Rebalancing demand under fluctuations in external markets, emerging markets and Asia except Japanese funds are the most obvious.

In just two weeks, the Hong Kong stock market recovered all its losses since September last year, with the Hang Seng Index breaking through 18000 points, leading the global market higher. The scale and speed of this rebound has greatly exceeded market expectations and aroused widespread concern, so what is the reason behind the surge?

There have been some positive changes in fundamentals and policy, but none of them alone can explain such a rapid and sharp rise. As analyzed in our "Prospect Analysis of Hong Kong stocks after the Great rise", from the perspective of fundamentals, the recent positive changes are limited: 1) since April, the profit forecast of the Hong Kong stock index, especially the Internet technology sector, has not been substantially revised upwards. instead, it's downgraded. 2) after the higher-than-expected first-quarter data, high-frequency data have weakened since April, especially those related to real estate and industrial output and investment. at the same time, US real estate demand, which is mainly driven by exports, has also begun to weaken as interest rates have rebounded; 3) Fiscal spending progress and credit data remain weak.

Chart: hang Seng Index profit forecast for 2024 has risen slightly by 0.6% since mid-April.


Chart: last week, insurance and transportation profits were revised up, while diversified finance and information technology were revised down the most.

Chart: the broad fiscal deficit shrank compared with the fourth quarter of last year.

Chart: the fiscal pulse turns negative in 2023 and is weaker in early 2024 than in December 2023.

Chart: recent macro high-frequency data are mixed, industrial production and real estate are still weak, and consumption has improved.

Chart: credit spreads widen ~ 50bp and US stocks fall 8-10% can make financial conditions tighten again

From a policy point of view, there have been some positive developments recently: mainly including five cooperation measures with Hong Kong ("interpretation of five capital market cooperation measures"), bond purchase by the central bank, relaxation of purchase restrictions in more cities such as Chengdu and Beijing, and the statement on finance, money and real estate at the meeting of the political Bureau in April ("We should issue and make good use of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds as soon as possible, and speed up the issuance and use of special bonds". Maintain the necessary intensity of fiscal expenditure "," flexible use of interest rates and deposit reserve ratio and other policy tools "," overall study of policies and measures to digest stock real estate and optimize incremental housing ") exceeded market expectations.

It is not difficult to see that capital is the main reason why the market appears so quickly and rises beyond the support of fundamentals and policies. Under the circumstances that the turnover of the Hong Kong stock market has always been low and there has been a shortage of sellers after a continuous correction in the past three years, the prying movement of marginal changes in capital and the overlay of short selling will often lead to a rapid and substantial rise. this is also a typical feature of Hong Kong stocks in history ("Prospect Analysis after Hong Kong stocks soar").


  从我们追踪并建议使用的EPFR主动型基金数据看(主要衡量主观多头的基金类机构投资者,《如何刻画并分析外资?》),部分区域外资有回流但规模不大,说明并不是持续大幅的流入和主要贡献,否则应该在各个渠道和整体上都有所体现。本周截至周三的数据显示,主动被动型资金流出均明显收窄。本周被动型资金流出2.37亿美元(vs. 上周流出11.82亿美元),主动型资金流出2.79亿美元(vs. 上周流出4.88亿美元)。分地区来看,主动型中的全球基金本周转为流入0.27亿美元,被动型中的全球基金及全球新兴市场基金分别转为流入0.41亿美元及0.4亿美元。











  1) 若今年一季度以来持续流出的资金全部回流,对应49亿美元,相当于2021年自高点起流出规模的17%和2023年以来流出规模的26%。之所以选择今年一季度,是因为外围市场尤其是日本股市成为吸引全球投资者目光最主要的焦点,也因此可能使得一部分资金流出而做多日股,2023年年初和下半年则更多对应美国和欧洲资金的流出。如果粗略的以此作为参照,对应EPFR口径下,2021年自高点起流出规模的17%和2023年以来流出规模的26%。









1) if the risk premium falls back to the levels seen in the middle of last year and the beginning of last year, it corresponds to about 2-7% of the space, respectively. The driver of simple capital rebalancing mentioned above is mainly corresponding to the decline of risk premium. At present, the risk premium in the Hong Kong stock market is 7.3 per cent, which has fallen to levels around mid-July-August last year. Combined with the above analysis, assuming that profits and risk-free interest rates remain unchanged, if all funds have flowed back since the first quarter of this year and the risk premium has fallen to the low point in the middle of last year, there is still room for the corresponding valuation to rise by about 2 per cent, with the corresponding point at about 19000 points. if it falls further to the low at the beginning of last year, it will be close to 20,000 points.

2) if the follow-up policy continues to make efforts, it will promote a profit growth of 10% in an optimistic situation, corresponding to an increase of about 20%. Combined with the optimistic statements on finance, real estate and currency at the Politburo meeting, if the follow-up policies can really promote credit expansion, the fundamentals can be strongly repaired and long-term funds may further return. According to our calculations in "CICC 2024 Prospect | Hong Kong Stock Market: no Speed (full version)", under an optimistic scenario, we expect earnings to grow by 10 per cent in 2024 (currently we expect earnings growth of 5 per cent). At the same time, assuming that the current risk-free interest rate remains unchanged and the risk premium falls to about 7 per cent, we estimate that there is still about 20 per cent room to rise, corresponding to the Hang Seng Index at 22000 points.

Chart: the level of overbought in the current market has reached its highest level since January 2023

Chart: the proportion of short selling transactions quickly fell back to a recent low of 15%

Chart: the current risk premium has fallen back to the level of last July and August.