fibaworldcup2023asiaqualifiers|一季报披露后 大批个股获机构上调全年业绩预测


Newsletter summary

After the disclosure of the first quarterly report, a large number of shareholders raised their annual performance forecasts (original title: after the disclosure of the first quarterly report.Fibaworldcup2023asiaqualifiersThese stockholders significantly raised their annual performance forecasts! Earnings per share is more than 78 times higher) Securities Times e Company News, A-share first-quarter report has been disclosed. Generally speaking, securities firmsFibaworldcup2023asiaqualifiers...

fibaworldcup2023asiaqualifiers|一季报披露后 大批个股获机构上调全年业绩预测

Text of news flash

After the disclosure of the quarterly report, a large number of shareholders raised their annual performance forecasts (original title: after the disclosure of the first quarterly report, these institutions significantly raised their annual performance forecasts! Earnings per share is more than 78 times higher) Securities Times e Company News, A-share first-quarter report has been disclosed. Generally speaking, brokerage analysts will focus on adjusting their earnings forecasts for the year after the disclosure of the first-quarter report of A-share companies. According to data Bao of the Securities Times, as of May 3, after A-share companies disclosed their quarterly reports, a large number of stocks were analyzed and issued profit adjustment reports by brokers for nearly a month, of which Huatu Shanding's net profit was the biggest. Founder Securities latest forecast that the net profit of the stock in 2024 will reach 554 million yuan, an increase of 7814.29% over the previous forecast of 7 million yuan, and accordingly, earnings per share will be raised from 0.05yuan to 3.95yuan.