775pubcom| Nine provinces incorporate HPV vaccination into government projects for the people


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 30 (Reporter Mutiecheng) Wu Xiangtian, deputy director of the Planning, Development and Informatization Department of the National Health Commission, said a few days ago that since 15 cities launched the pilot work on the innovative model of healthy China Action in 2021, various tasks for the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer have been implemented. Led by the pilot cities, nine provinces across the country have included HPV vaccination into the government's practical projects for the people.

This is the 21st working meeting of the National Cervical Cancer Cooperation Group held by the China Cancer Foundation and the Beijing Wuliande Public Welfare Foundation.775pubcomThe information I've learned.

In 2023, the National Health Commission, together with the National Bureau of Disease Control and other departments, issued the Action Plan for accelerating the Elimination of Cervical Cancer (2022-2030), calling for the promotion of HPV vaccination.

Chen Chao, director of the Immunization Planning Department of the Department of Health and Immunization of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, said that in recent years, the number of HPV vaccinations in China has gradually increased, with more than 58 million doses of HPV vaccine in 2023. The National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention has further strengthened the standardized management of vaccine circulation and vaccination, done a good job in monitoring and dealing with suspected abnormal reactions to vaccination, and ensured the implementation of the action plan to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer.

Information integration is also an important issue in the prevention and control of cervical cancer. It is understood that the relevant departments will continue to improve the cervical cancer surveillance information system in order to understand the comprehensive progress.

775pubcom| Nine provinces incorporate HPV vaccination into government projects for the people

Zhang Yong, secretary of the party committee of the National Cancer Center and director of the China Cancer Foundation, said that the National Cancer Center combines cancer prevention and control with the construction of a healthy city, taking cervical cancer as a breakthrough, and aims to implement a three-level prevention and control strategy. form a replicable and popularable prevention and control service model. (end)